Motor Speech Archives
2022 Program
Wednesday, Feb 16, 2022
Signal Analytics Workshop
11:00 AM Registration
12:00 PM Welcome
12:10 PM Keynote Speaker
- Vocal biomarkers of neurological conditions based on motor timing and coordination
- T. Quatieri
1:05 PM Session 1: Multimodal Approaches
- Acoustic and kinematic indices of spatiotemporal stability in children’s productions of words and nonwords
- A. Wisler, S. Benham, J. Berlin, J. Wang, L. Goffman
- A Wearable Electromagnetic Articulograph (EMA) for Silent Speech Interface
- J. Wang, S. Ravi, B. Cao, N. Sebkhi, A. Bhavsar, O. Inan, W. Xu
1:55 Session 2: Real-world assessment
- Real-world Assessment of DDK Rate in Dysarthric and Healthy Speech
- P. Kadambi, J. Liss, V. Berisha, S. Hahn
- Collecting remote voice and movement data from people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) using multimodal conversational AI: Lessons learned from a national study
- A. Exner, V. Ramanarayanan, D. Pautler, S. Snyder, H. Kothare, J. Liscombe, S.Sridhar, O. Roesler, W. Burke, M. Neumann, D. Suendermann-Oeft, J. Huber
2:45 Break
3:10 Special Session
- Dissociating Dysarthria and Dialect in the Kinematics of Connected Speech
- J. Berry, Y. Kim
- Automating Vowel Formant Estimations for Disordered Pediatric Speech Samples
- H. Valentine, G. Carozzi, M. Grigos
3:55 Poster blitz
4:15-5:45 Poster Session
Click here for the abstracts and list of posters.
5:30-7:00 PM Registration reception
Thursday, Feb 17, 2022
8:30 AM Welcome
8:45 AM Pediatric Motor Speech – Dysarthria
- Longitudinal development of marginal and canonical babbling in young children at risk for cerebral palsy
- H. Long, T. Mahr, K. Hustad
- Motor speech phenotypes in children with epilepsy
- J. Iuzzini-Seigel, K. Allison, R. Stoeckel, E. Olsen, S. Tallman
- Sensitivity of age-specific speech intelligibility scores for differentiating between young children with and without dysarthria: Developmental cut-points for atypical speech intelligibility
- K. Hustad, T. Mahr, J. Soriano, P. Rathouz
9:45 AM Pediatric Motor Speech – Childhood Apraxia of Speed and Typical Speech
- Contributions of vowel acoustics to speech intelligibility in typically developing children
- V. Berisha, T. Mahr, K. Hustad
- Effects of motor-based treatment on vowel accuracy and variability in children with childhood apraxia of speech
- H. Valentine, M. Grigos
- Phonetic complexity in narratives of children with CAS
- J. Case, A. Hallin
10:45 AM Break
11:00 AM Panel on the Influence of Typical Development and Pediatric Motor Speech Disorders Research on Each Other
- Outcome-versus process-based perspectives on typical and disordered motor speech development
- Melissa Redford
- Neuophonetic concepts applied to typically developing children – a new perspective on speech motor development
- Theresa Schölderle
12:30 PM Lunch
2:00 PM Acoustics and Kinematics in Assessment
- An articulatory kinematic study on Parkinson’s disease in relation to acoustic and perceptual measures
- A. Thompson, Y. Kim
- Vowel acoustics as predictors of speech intelligibility in dysarthria
- A. Thompson, M. Hirsch, Y. Kim, K. Lansford
- Acoustic-prosodic entrainment in the conversations of neurotypical adolescents
- C. Wynn, T. Barrett, V. Berisha, J. Liss, S. Borrie
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Poster Session 1
Click here for abstracts and the list of posters.
5:30 PM Reception
Friday, Feb 18, 2022
8:30 AM Advances in Identifying Diagnostic Subgroups
- Perceptual subgroups in speakers with ataxic dysarthria: An auditory free-classification approach
- J. Amaral, K. Spencer, K. Lansford
- Cognitive predictors of improved understanding of speakers with dysarthria
- K. Lansford, T. Barrett, S. Borrie
- Exploring the validity and diagnostic utility of acoustic-based articulatory impairment phenotypes in divergent speech motor disorders
- H. Rowe, A. Lowit, K. Spencer, J. Green
9:30 – 11:30 AM: Poster Session 2
11:30 AM Advances in Treatment
- Immediate and long-term effects of treatment targets and intensive dosage on Parkinson disease dysphonia and speech motor networks: Randomized controlled trial
- S. Narayana, C. Frankin, E. Peterson, E. Hunter, D. Robin, A. Halpern, J. Spielman, P. Fox, L. Ramig
- Voystick: a vocal joystick for vowel production training
- C. Niziolek
- Non-native consonant cluster learning: At the interface of phonology and speech motor control
- A. Buchwald, H. Cheng
12:30 PM Afternoon free
Saturday, Feb 19, 2022
8:20 AM Models
- LaDIVA: A neurocomputational model providing laryngeal motor control for speech acquisition and production
- H. Weerathunge, G. Alzamendi, G. Cler, F. Guenther, C. Stepp, M. Zanartu
- H. Weerathunge, G. Alzamendi, G. Cler, F. Guenther, C. Stepp, M. Zanartu
- Impact of social condition on vocal communication and neurobiology in the Pink1-/- rat model
- C. Broadfoot, C. Lenell, C. Kelm-Nelson, M. Ciucci
9:00-11:00 AM Poster Session 3
11:00 AM Neuroimaging/Neural Stimulation
- Dynamics of neural oscillations in children who stutter performing a non-speech motor task
- V. Caruso, A. Hampton Wray, E. Lescht, Y. Liu, E. Garnett, S. Chang
- Preliminary 6-month speech outcomes from deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus in Parkinson’s disease
- K. Stipancic, K. Tjaden, A. Rohl, D. Corcos, C. Patterson, J. Greenlee
- Speakers adapt to opposing auditory perturbations of phonemically-identical vowels within a single word
- B. Parrell, C. Niziolek, M. Bugg, K. Zarnott, C. Naber
12:00 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Keynote on Plasticity and Motor Learning
- Implicationsn for Movement Disorders and Rehabilitation
- Scott Frey
- Enhancing motor speech fluency: OPTIMAL theory implications
- Gabriele Wulf
3:00 PM Break
3:15 PM Feedback and Perturbation
- Changes in speech rate induced by delayed auditory feedback under different speaking conditions
- M. Heyne, M. Tardif, A. Petitjean, E. Hacker, V. Pennetti, J. Bohland
- Adaptation to auditory perturbations of consonant duration in syllable onset is modulated by phonemic category boundaries
- R. Karlin, B. Parrell
3:55 PM – 5:55 PM Poster Session 4
5:55 PM Conference ends
Disclosure Statements
As required by ASHA, here are the disclosure statements for presenters.
2020 Program
Wednesday, Feb 19, 2020
Signal Analytics Workshop
12:00 PM Registration
1:00 PM Welcome
1:10 PM Keynote Speaker
- Sounds of the human vocal instrument
- Dr. Shri Narayanan
2:10 PM Session 1: Interpretable speech feature representations
- Assessment of Prosodic and Articulatory Interactions in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- T. Talkar, J. Williamson, D. Hannon, H. Rao, S. Yuditskaya, D. Sturim, K. Claypool, L. Nowinski, H. Saro, C. Stamm, M. Mody, C. McDougle, T. Quatieri
- A comparison of interpretable acoustic features identified diverse tendencies in several motor speech disorders
- J. Hlavnička, V. Berisah, J. Liss, J. Rusz
3:00 Break
3:10 Session 2: Remote assessment
- Evaluating a wearable mechano-acoustic sensor and iPhone application for speech data in individuals with Alzheimer’s dementia, mild cognitive impairment, and Parkinson’s disease
- R. Richter, B. Fujii, N. Razin, A. Roberts, J. Rogers, S. Xu
- Evaluating the Validity of Using Speech Analytics for Remotely Tracking Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Progress
- G. Stegmann, S. Hahn, V. Berisha, J. Liss, S. Rutkove, K. Qi, K. Shelton, J. Shefner
4:00 Break
4:10 Session 3: Applications of deep learning
- Improving Deep Learning Networks for Automatic Orofacial Assessment across Clinical Populations
- D. Guarín, B. Taati, A. Bandini, T. Hadlock, Y. Yunusova
- Recognition Of Short Utterances From A Closed Set Produced By Dysarthric Speakers Using A Deep Convolutional Network
- S. Cai, B. Richburg, M. Maffei, I. Alvarado, J. Cattiau, K. Seaver, J. Green, M. Brenner
5:00-6:30 Poster Session
5:30-7:30 PM Registration reception
Thursday, Feb 20, 2020
Motor Speech Conference
8:00 AM Welcome
8:15 AM Session 1
- Compensation to Altered Auditory Feedback in Children with Developmental Language Disorder
- C. Coughler, E. Hamel, J. Cardy, D. Purcell, L. Archibald
- Patients with cerebellar degeneration correct for sub-categorical vowel variation even when auditory feedback is blocked.
- B. Parrell, S. Nagarajan, R. Ivry, J. Houde
- Improved fluency with auditory masking in participants with left inferior frontal lesions
- A. Jacks, K. Haley, T. Harmon
9:15 AM Session 2
- Developing an evidence-based assessment for childhood dysarthria – Test materials and age norms for auditory parameters
- T. Scholderle, E. Haas, W. Ziegler
- Effects of Dual-Focus Speech Treatment on Communication in Children With Dysarthria
- E. Levy, Y. Chang, K. Hwang, A. Bahrami, A. Cerva, A. Choi, C. Kraemer, M. McAuliffe
- Speech Production in Down Syndrome: Perceptual and Acoustic Results
- R. Kent, H. Vorperian, J. Eichhorn, & E. Wilson
- Intonational realization of the question-statement contrast in children with dysarthria and cerebral palsy
- A. Kuschmann
10:35 AM Break
10:55 AM Session 3
- Comparative diagnostic accuracy of acoustic and kinematic measures for identifying motor speech impairment in primary progressive aphasia
- C. Cordella, M. Eshghi, K. Getchell, B. Dickerson, J. Green
- The Use of Lexical Cues in Listener Processing of Dysarthria
- A. Fletcher, M. McAuliffe
- Speech Sensorimotor Impairment in Aphasia and the Role of Dorsal Stream Network
- R. Behroozmand
11:55 AM Lunch
1:30 PM Special Session 1: Panel on speech motor control
- From semantic knowledge to articulation: How much can we chunk word production?
- Bonnie Nozari
- Panel Discussions
- Bonnie Nozari, Jason Bohland, John Houde
3:15 PM – 5:15 PM Poster Session 1
5:15 PM Reception
Friday, Feb 21, 2020
8:00 AM Session 4
- Efficacy of a home-based treatment paradigm, EMST and SpeechVive, to improve communication in Parkinson’s Disease
- B. Kiefer
- Investigating Intelligibility Gains for a Slowed Rate Using Hybridization
- F. van Brenk, A. Kain, K. Tjaden
- Acoustic and Kinematic Contrastivity in Speakers with Parkinson’s disease: Focusing on Variability
- Y. Kim, A. Thompson, E. Kennedy
- Dual-Task Speech Performance in Multiple Sclerosis
- L. Feenaughty
9:20 – 11:10 AM: Poster Session 2
11:10 AM Session 5
- Acoustic features of vowel and sibilant productions during natural speech: Implications for sensorimotor control
- K. Reilly, D. Casenhiser, B. Rafferty
- Influence of Prime-Target Mismatch on Lip and Jaw Kinematics
- Z. Kriegel, L. Kalinowski, A. Fullenkamp, J. Whitfield
- Chest Wall Intermuscular Coherence Associated with Non-speech and Speech Tasks Across the Lifespan
- A. Reed, J. Cummine, D. Bremmekamp, A. Tam, C. Boliek
- Vocal Pitch Perception and Production in Children and Adults
- E. Heller Murray, C. Stepp
12:30 PM Afternoon free
Saturday, Feb 22, 2020
8 AM Session 6
- Variability in CAS: An investigation of practice effects
- J. Case, M. Grigos
- Agreement of childhood apraxia of speech diagnosis using two objective measures: Syllable Repetition and Maximum Performance Tasks
- J. Preston
- Speaking the same language? Developing a rating form for speech features of Childhood Apraxia of Speech for an international reliability study.
- E. Murray, S. Velleman, J. Preston, P. McCabe, R. Heard
9:00 AM Poster Session 3
10:45 AM Session 7
- Speech Network Involvement in Bulbar ALS: Structural MRI and Post-Mortem Neuropathology
- S. Shellikeri, J. Keith, S. Black, L. Zinman, Y. Yunusova
- Spatiotemporal control of articulatory movement and coordination during speech and speechlike tasks in persons with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- P. Rong
- Impaired sensorimotor integration for the adjustment of phrasal prominence in ataxic dysarthria
- A. Hilger, J. Cole, J. Kim, C. Larson
11:45 AM Lunch
1:30 PM Special Session 2
- Effort, reward, and vigor in decision making and movement control
- Dr. Alaa Ahmed
3:00 PM Session 8
- Automating Objective Measures of Change in Speech Intelligibility
- J. Liss, Y. Jiao, V. Berisha, A. Lacross
- Anodal tDCS targeting left premotor/motor cortices enhances speech motor learning
- A. Buchwald, C. Repetti-Ludlow, H-S. Cheng
- sEMG-to-Voice AAC: Subvocal Recognition & Synthesis of Prosodic Speech
- J. Vojtech, M. Chan, B. Shiwani, S. Roy, J. Heaton, G. Meltzner, P. Contessa, G. De Luca, R. Patel, J. Kline
4:00 PM – 5:50 PM Poster Session 4
5:50 PM End for the day
Sunday, Feb 23, 2020
8:00 AM Session 9
- Mouthpiece Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation: Effects on Speech
- D. Britton, E. Pullen, D. Hoit, J. Benditt
- Motor Speech Disorders in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
- H. Clark
- Unpredictable speech degradation inhibits adaptation to dysarthric speech
- K. Lansford, S. Borrie, T. Barrett
9:00 AM Break
9:15 AM Session 10
- A link between energy metabolism and developmental stuttering
- H. Ming Chow, N. Boley, S. Patil, E. Garnett, S-E. Chang
- Effects of attentional focus on articulatory control in adults who stutter and its relationship to social anxiety
- K. Bauerly
- The Neural Circuitry Underlying the “Rhythm Effect” in Stuttering
- S. Frankford, S. Cai, J. Tourville, A. Nieto-Castanon, M. Masapollo, E. Heller Murray, F. Guenther
10:15 AM Conference ends
Disclosure Statements
As required by ASHA, here are the disclosure statements for presenters.
2018 Program
Wednesday, Feb 21, 2018
5:30 – 7:30 PM Registration reception
Thursday, Feb 22, 2018
8:00 AM Welcome
8:30 AM Session 1: Models
- Quantitatively Assessing the DIVA Model with Neuroimaging
- F. Guenther, A. Daliri, A. Nieto-Castanon, J. Tourville
- Intelligibility of monosyllabic words produced by an acoustically-driven model of the vocal tract
- B. Story, K. Bunton, H.Vorperian
- Trait Related Internal Modeling Deficits in People Who Stutter During Spontaneous Fluency
- D. Jenson, T. Saltuklaroglu, K. Reilly, A. Harkrider, D. Thornton
- A primer on clinical-speech applications of deep learning
- V. Berisha, J. Liss, M. Tu
9:50 AM Break
10:10 AM Session 2: Feedback and Perturbation Paradigms
- Manipulating prosody: speech-acoustic responses to vocal feedback perturbations prior to phrasal prominence
- A. Hilger, J. Cole, C. Larson
- Compensation and adaptation to vowel perturbation in children aged 4 to 9
- S. Cheung, K. Thompson, K. Quinn de Launay, Y. Yunusova, D. Beal
- A hierarchical task-based control model of speech incorporating sensory feedback
- B. Parrell, V. Ramanarayanan, S. Nagarajan, J. Houde
11:10 AM Lunch
1:00 PM Special Session 1
- Faster than a blink of an eye: Fast feedback processing for voluntary control
- Dr. Stephen Scott
2:15 PM Break
2:30 PM Session 3: Speech and Cognition in Parkinson Disease
- Pausing during semi-structured speech and relationship to cognition in PD
- K. Smith
- Altered resting-state functional connectivity of basal ganglia nuclei related to speech impairment in Parkinson’s disease
- J. Manes, K. Tjaden, T. Parrish, T. Simuni, A. Roberts, J. Greenlee, D. Corcos, A. Kurani
- ERP differences to Pitch-Shifted Voice Feedback in Parkinson’s Disease
- E. Park, S. Fruehholz, J. Ahn, M. Parulekar, F. Gupta, H. Azmi, S. Kim, A. Sarkar, L. Tank, C. Larson, S. Patel
3:30 PM Poster Session 1
- Movement direction-specific articulatory dysfunction in individuals with dysarthria secondary to ALS
- J. Lee
- Using Speech Resynthesis to Identify Acoustic Variables Explaining the Clear Speech Intelligibility Benefit
- K. Tjaden, A. Kain, G. Wilding
- Bidirectional interference between simulated driving and speaking
- C. Dromey, K. Simmons
- Motor induced suppression of the N100 ERP during motor-imagery while controlling a speech synthesizer brain-computer interface
- J. Brumberg, K. Pitt
- Measuring third-party disability in family members of individuals with PD
- H. Mach, K. Yorkston, C. Baylor
- Perception of syllable segregation in untrained and trained listeners
- P. McCabe, E. Murray, T. Brown, M. Swayze, D. Thomas, C. Madill
- Contextual Interference and the Role of Phonetic Similarity
- E. Kee, K. Meigh
- Effect of sentence length on intelligibility and speech motor performance in ALS
- K. Allison, Y. Yunusova, J. Green
- S. Shellikeri, M. Myers, J. Keith, S. Black, L. Zinman, Y. Yunusova
- Minimally detectable change and minimal clinically important difference of speech intelligibility and speaking rate for individuals with ALS
- K. Stipancic, Y. Yunusova, J. Green
- A model of speech development and disorders for diagnosis and treatment planning
- H. Terband, B. Maassen, E. Maas
- Neuromuscular control of vocal loudness in adults and children as a function of cue
- A. Tam, J. Cummine, A. Reed, B. Tucker, C. Boliek
- Changes in chest wall intermuscular coherence and speech breathing kinematics during speech and non-speech tasks following LSVT LOUD in children with dysarthria secondary to cerebral palsy
- M. Ho, A. Reed, B. Mager, H. Gynane, R. Bakhtiari, C. Fox, C. Boliek
- Emergence and Refinement of Respiratory Chest Wall Intermuscular Coherence Associated with Speech and Non-speech tasks in Younger and Older Children
- D. Bremmekamp, J. Cummine, A. Reed, H. Gynane, N. Mahe, C. Boliek
- Efficacy and acceptance of a low-cost Lombard-response device for PD
- S. Adams, N. Kumar, P. Rizek, A. Hong, J. Zhang, A. Abeyesekera, C. Mancinelli, T. Knowles, M. Jog
- Sensorimotor impairment of speech production and motor control in post-stroke aphasia: Evidence from behavioral and neurophysiological biomarkers
- R. Behroozmand, L. Phillip, K. Joharikhatoonabad, L. Bonilha, C. Rorden, G. Hickok, J. Fridriksson
- Typical listeners’ recognition of monosyllabic words carrying Cantonese contour lexical tones prodcued by speakers with PD
- K. Yuen, J. Huen, L. Kwan
- Effects of levodopa on voice quality in PD
- D. Cushie-Sparrow, S. Adams, A. Abeyes
Friday, Feb 23, 2018
8:30 AM Poster Session 2
- Feasibility of using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) software for treatment in patients with AOS and aphasia
- K. Ballard, N. Etter, S. Shen, P. Monroe, C. Tien Tan
- The influence of postvocalic context on glides’ formantic transitions in dysarthric speakers
- V. Martel Sauvageau, L. Girard
- Determining the Associations between Neonatal Salivary FOXP2 levels, Oral Feeding and Early Vocalizations.
- E. Zimmerman, R. Barolome, J. Maron
- Empirical Evaluation of Communication Interfaces Optimized for Individuals with Motor Speech Disorders
- G. Cler, J. Vojtech, K. Kolin, J. Noordzij, C. Stepp
- Is timing really everything? Acoustic measures of temporal accuracy in children with and without speech sound disorders
- A. Van Zelst, E. Maas
- Preliminary steps to validate Audapter, a software application for online tracking of children’s formants
- S. Cheung, K. Thompson, S. Orlandi, Y. Yunusova, D. Beal
- A Longitudinal Study of Speech Rate Development between 24 to 36 Months
- T. Loucks, A. Tendera, M. Rispoli
- Treatment of lexical stress, segmentation, and sound distortions in childhood apraxia of speech
- H. Miller, A. Plante, K. Ballard, D. Robin
- Effect of voice treatment supplemented with transcranial magnetic stimulation of voice periodicity and intensity in PD
- M. Cannito, K. Schiller, B. Bydlinski, E. Buder, S. Narayana
- Speaking with noninvasive positive pressure ventilation: A qualitative analysis
- D. Britton, J. Hoit, E. Pullen, J. Benditt, C. Baylor, K. Yorkston
- The effects of intensive voice treatment on intelligibility in PD: A randomized controlled trial
- E. Levy, G. Moya-Gale, Y. Hwa Chang, K. Forrest, L. Ramig
- Neural correlates of longitudinal changes in articulation rate across subtypes of primary progressive aphasia
- C. Cordella, M. Quimby, M. Brickhouse, B. Dickerson, J. Green
- Relationship between formant transition and intelligibility in quiet versus noise in PD
- Y. Chiu, K. Forrest
- Emotional dysprosody in speakers with hypokinetic dysarthria associated with Parkinson’s disease.
- L. Kwan, M. Ng
- Familiarization effects on intelligibility of dysarthric speech in older listeners with and without hearing loss
- K. Lansford, S. Borrie, S. Luhrsen, E. Ingvalson
- Predicting optimal surface electromyographic augmentative and alternative communication device control in individuals with motor speech disorders
- J. Vojtech, G. Cler, S. Fager, C. Stepp
- Examining the effect of PD on clear speech using utterance-level vowel space metrics
- J. Whitfield, D. Mehta, C. Walsh
- Effect of overlapping tasks on vocal and manual response in PD
- A. Rief, D. Summers, A. Goberman
- Spectral/Cepstral Analysis of Phonation in Parkinson’s disease before and after Voice Treatment
- G. Alharbi, M. Cannito, E. Buder
- Effects of clear speech on the silent interval duration in speakers with Parkinson disease
- A. Gravelin, J. Whitfield
- Not only a motor speech deficit: vowel-duration discrimination of children with CAS
- S. Ingram, V. Reed
- Listener impressions of speakers with dysarthria secondary to cerebral palsy
- K. Connaghan, D. Reilly, R. Patel
- Deviant coarticulation in children with CAS does not include hyperarticulation
- H. Terband
10:00 AM Session 4: Pediatric Motor Speech
- Treatment amount and intensity in childhood apraxia of speech – WITHDRAWN for illness
- E. Maas, C. Gildersleeve-Neumann, K. Jakielski, N. Kovacs, R. Stoeckel, H. Vradelis, M. Welsh, A. Van Zelst
- Whole brain connectivity in childhood apraxia of speech and the effects of intervention
- A. Chilosi, I. Podda, S. Fiori, K. Pannek, B. Franchi, P. Cipriani
- Differentiating typical from atypical speech production using measures of intelligibility, speech rate and intelligible words per minute in 5 year old children with CP: A comparative anlaysis
- K. Hustad, A. Sakash, A. Broman, P. Rathouz
- Clinical validation of the Computer Articulation Instrument (CAI)
- B. Maasen, S. Diepeveen, L. van Haaften, H. Terband, L. van den Engel, B. de Swart
11:20 AM Break
11:35 AM Session 5: AOS Diagnosis and Treatment
- Prosodic and phonetic subtypes of Primary Progressive AOS
- R. Utianski, J. Duffy, H. Clark, E. Strand, H. Botha, C. Schwarz, M. Machulda, M. Senjem, A. Spychalla, C. Jack, R. Petersen, V. Lowe, J. Whitwell, K. Josephs
- Effect of treatment intensity on outcomes of Sound Production Treatment for apraxia of speech
- J. Wambaugh, S. Wright, C. Nessler, E. Boss, S. Mauszycki, P. Doyle, W. Hula
- Word-level prosodic measures and the differential diagnosis of apraxia of speech
- K. Haley, A. Jacks
12:35 PM Afternoon free
Saturday, Feb 24, 2018
8:00 AM Poster Session 3
- The consequences of oromandibular dystonia on communicative participation: A qualitative study of the insider’s experience
- A. Page, L. Siegel, C. Baylor, S. Adams, K. Yorkston
- Perceptual consequences of speech cues in French-speaking children with dysarthria
- E. Levy, G. Moya-Gale, L. Romero-Gomez, Y. Hwa Chang, A. MacLeod, S. Majdalani, N. Della-Posta, C. Maillart
- Examining the Relation between Infant Oromotor Behaviors and Maternal Prosody of Speech.
- E. Zimmerman, D. Alu, K. Connaghan
- Dysarthria profiles in hereditary ataxia
- M. Dawson, K. Spencer
- Acoustic metrics of consonant inconsistencies and stress difficulties differentiate between children with and without CAS
- T. Macrae, K. Lansford, K. Jakielski
- A multi-subsystem approach to predicting speech intelligibility in older adults
- J. McKinley, M. Kuruvilla-Dugdale, M. Dietrich
- Effects of prosody on intelligibility, communication efficiency, and perceived naturalness of synthetic speech in AAC
- J. Vojtech, J. Noordzij, G. Cler, C. Stepp
- Speech motor control in children with apraxia in a task of motoric complexity
- J. Case, M. Grigos
- Effects of speaking task on bidirectional dual-task interference in individuals with Parkinson disease
- J. Whitfield, Z. Kriegel, M. Natal, A. Fullenkamp, D. Mehta, A. Gravelin
- Surface EMG control of fundamental frequency modulation using submental muscles: Enhancing alaryngeal prosody
- K. Nagle, R. Dorward, C. Donoso, J. Heaton
- Validity of phonetic and prosodic subtypes of PAOS using the ASRS-3
- E. Strand, H. Clark, J. Duffy, H. Hanley, R. Utianski, K. Josephs
- Functional boundaries within the cortical speech motor control network
- J. Tourville, A. Nieto-Castanon, F. Guenther
- Acquired AOS: Examining the relationship between treatment and generalization outcomes
- S. Mauszcki, C. Nessler, J. Wambaugh
- Vowel error patterns in individuals with dysarthria secondary to ALS
- J. Lee, Y. Jung, H. Kim
- Impact of Parkinson’s on Use of Meaningful Speech Automatisms
- A. Alvar, J. Huber, J. Yeon Lee
- Impaired Responses to Time-shifting Perturbations in Adults Who Stutter during Rhythmic and Non-Rhythmic Speech
- S. Frankford, S. Cai, F. Guenther
- How well does DDK task performance predict fluent speech articulation?
- F. Karlsson, M. Karlsson, L. Hartelius
- Using high-speed nasopharyngoscopy to study velum dynamics during normal speech
- L. Oren, H. Hashemi HOsseinabad, A. Kummer, P. Willging, S. Boyce
- Predicting disease-related changes in jaw contribution to tongue movement in ALS based on a diadochokinetic task
- P. Rong, K. Stipancic, J. Green
- Effect of Cognitive Load on Speech Motor Performance in Healthy Younger and Older Adults
- M. MacPherson, N. Sadagopan, M. Kuruvilla-Dugdale
- Correlation of Apraxia of Speech Rating Scale (ASRS) scores to ratings of intelligibility
- L. Bunker, D. Bailey, S. Mauszycki, J. Wambaugh
- Acceleration of Tongue and Lip Movements of individuals with ALS
- K. Teplansky, J. Green, J. Wang, T. Campbell, Y. Yunusova
9:30 AM Session 6 AOS Models
- Testing hypotheses about the underlying deficit in AOS through computational modeling: Effects of noise masking on vowel production in the DIVA model
- H. Terband, J. Rodd, M. Planck, E. Maas
- Neural correlates of prosodic measures in adults with aphasia and/or apraxia: A lesion-behavior mapping study
- A. Jacks, K. Haley, T. Harmon, M. Eshghi
- Examining feedback and feedforward speech motor control in acquired apraxia of speech using auditory F0 and F1 perturbation
- K. Ballard, M. Halaki, P. Sowman, A. Kha, A. Daliri, D. Robin, F. Guenther, J. Tourville
10:30 AM Break
10:45 AM Special Session 2
- A decade of research into primary progressive apraxia of speech
- Dr. Keith Josephs
12:15 PM Lunch
1:15 PM Poster Session 4
- The effect of manner of articulation and sequence complexity on articulatory movements following training.
- K. Meigh, Y. Yunusova
- Articulatory kinematics during stop closure in speakers with Parkinson’s disease: further data
- Y. Kim, A. Thompson, J. Berry, C. Kuo
- Auditory-Motor Control of Vocal Vibrato
- R. Lester-Smith, L. Cherney, C. Larson
- Acoustic and Aerodynamic Comparison of Vocal Dynamics in Parkinson’s Disease and Vocal Fold Atrophy
- C. Dastolfo-Hromack, J. Gartner Schmidt, V. Young, A. Gillespie, T. Pirnia, M. Richardson, S. Shaiman
- Perceptual analyses of apraxia of speech characteristics in nonfluent and fluent aphasia
- M. Cannito, K. Millard, M. Hough
- Immediate Effects of Velopharyngeal Resistance Training (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) on Vowel Articulation: Preliminary Acoustic Findings
- Y. Bae, S. D’Agostino, A. Woods
Sunday, Feb 25, 2018
8:00 AM Session 9: Advances in Management of Parkinson’s Disease
- Clear Speech variants: An investigation of intelligibilty in Parkinson’s Disease
- K. Tjaden, A. Kain, J. Lam, G. Wilding
- Prosodic Profiles in Parkinson’s Disease and the Therapeutic Effects of SpeechVive on Prosody in Parkinson’s Disease
- B. Kiefer, M. Darling-White, C. Rountrey, C. Ludlow, S. Snyder, J. Huber
- Tongue- and Jaw-Specific Displacement Changes in Response to Slow, Loud, and Clear Speech and their Acoustic Consequences in Talkers with Parkinson’s Disease
- A. Mefferd
9:00 AM Break
9:15 AM Session 10: Neural Stimulation
- Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Enhances Sub-phonemic Learning of Novel Consonant Clusters
- A. Buchwald, M. Steinberg Lowe, H. Calhoun, R. Wellner, S. Rimikis
- Augmenting the Behavioral and Neurophysiological Effects of Voice Treatment by Adjuvant Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
- S. Narayana, K. Schiller, B. Bydlinski, M. Le Doux, A. Choudhri, T. Jones, M. Cannito
- Effect of an acute bout of expiratory threshold loading (ETL) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on chest wall intermuscular coherence in healthy adults
- A. Reed, R. Bakhtiari, H. Gynane, A. Chang, C. Boliek
10:15 AM Conference ends
2016 Program
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Registration
Thursday, March 3, 2016
- 8:00 AM Welcome
- 8:30 AM Session 1: Novel methods in the assessment of MSD
- Reliable, valid, and standardized: A new method for the clinical assessment of dysarthria
- W. Ziegler, T. Schölderle, A. Staiger, M. Vogel
- Objective evaluation of perceptual quality in the dysarthrias: an engineering perspective
- V. Berisha, J. Liss, A. Wisler, M. Tu
- Sentence intelligibility in adult stroke survivors: Human vs. Computer
- A. Jacks, G. Bishop, K. Haley, T. Harmon
- The development and standardization of a speech production test for children: The Computer Articulation Instrument (CAI).
- B. Maassen, H. Terband, L. van Haaften, S. Diepeveen, B. de Swart
- Reliable, valid, and standardized: A new method for the clinical assessment of dysarthria
- 9:50 AM Break
- 10:10 AM Session 2: Auditory feedback
- Review: Neural mechanisms underlying auditory feedback regulation of voice
- C. Larson, D. Robin
- Using brainstem frequency following responses when auditory feedback is altered to identify the auditory and bone components during articulation
- P. Howell
- Sensorimotor adaptation to gradual perturbations in the fundamental frequency of auditory feedback in Parkinson’s disease
- D. Abur, A. Daliri, F. Guenther, C. Stepp
- Effects of Planning and Preparation on Behavioral and ERP Correlates of Speech Motor Control
- S. Sangtian, K. Johair, R. Behroozmand
- Review: Neural mechanisms underlying auditory feedback regulation of voice
- 11:30 AM Lunch
- 1:00 PM Special Session 1: Clinical Virtual Reality: A Brief Review of the Future!
- A. Rizzo
- 2:15 PM Break
- 2:30 PM Session 3: Cutting-edge technology for speech rehabilitation
- Opti-Speech: A Visual Biofeedback System for Speech Treatment
- T. Campbell, B. Prabhakaran, H. Carey, J. Coleman Eubanks, E. Farrar, W. Katz, R. Rennaker, D. Sloan, J. Vick, J. Wang, C. Watkins, W. Watts
- Movement-based speech therapy for dysarthria in Parkinson disease and apraxia of speech
- Y. Yunusova, E. Kearney, B. Haworth, P. Faloutsos, M. Baljko
- Videogame Rehabilitation of Velopharyngeal Mislearning
- M. Cler, A. Nieto-Castanon, F. Guenther, S. Fager, C. Stepp
- Enhancing speech intervention through app-delivered biofeedback: Pilot testing
- T. McAllister Byun, H. Campbell, H. Carey, J. Forsyth, W. Liang, T. Hong Park, T. Sanders, N. Steklov, M. Svirsky
- Panel Presentation: Technology
- Opti-Speech: A Visual Biofeedback System for Speech Treatment
- 4:00 PM Poster Session
- How People with Parkinson’s Disease Describe Speaking: Implications for Treatment
- K. Yorkston, C. Baylor, D. Britton
- Predictors of Communicative Participation in Individuals with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- H. Mach, C. Baylor, D. Amtmann, K. Yorkston
- Demonstrating the Treatment Effect of Manual Therapy on Speech Outcomes in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy
- C. Varnado, N. Donovan
- 2D Control of Speech Synthesis via Surface Electromyography
- M. Cler, J. Lee, T. Mittelman, C. Stepp, J. Bohland
- Effect of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment on habitual voice use in Parkinson’s disease studied with a portable voice accumulator in a monozygotic twin patient-control pair
- J. Korner Gustafsson, E. Schalling, M. Sodersten, S. Ternström
- A novel investigation of GMP theory: Syllable stress as a motor class variable
- K. Meigh
- Pausing and sentence stress in children with developmental dysarthria
- A. Lowit, A. Kuschmann
- Speech and communication changes reported by persons with Parkinson’s disease
- E. Schalling, K. Johansson, L. Hartelius
- Predicting Listener Perception of Simulated Laryngeal Vocal Tremor Using A Novel Measure of Pitch Modulation Strength
- R. Lester, B. Story
- Effects of vocal tract growth on gender and vowel identification based on simulated children’s vowels
- B. Story, K. Bunton, H. Vorperian
- Speech disorders in children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Commonalities and individual differences
- M. Spruit, H. Terband, B. Maassen
- Articulatory-acoustic and kinematic relationships in comfortable and loud speech
- J. Whitfield, C. Dromey, P. Palmer
- The Impact of STN-DBS on Speech Production in PD: A Fiber-Tract Analysis
- M. McHenry, A. Fenoy, S. Villareal
- Crossed cortical-neostriatal white matter connections are concordant with asymmetrical cerebral blood flow predictors of speech rate
- J. Sidtis, A. Mubeen, D. Sidtis, B. Ardekani
- Fine motor timing in persons with Parkinson’s disease
- M. Sundqvist, L. Hartelius, K. Laakso
- Effects of Tactile Repetition Priming on Phoneme Recognition
- A. Kumar Namasivayam, V. Law, T. Yan, A. Huynh, R. Bali, D. Hayden, P. van Lieshout
- Auditory feedback guides online corrections to vowel acoustics
- C. Niziolek, S. Nagarajan, J. Houde
- Listener-oriented speech modulation in dysarthria
- K. Connaghan, R. Patel
- Naïve and Familiar Listeners’ Perceptions of Monologues Produced by Individuals with Parkinson Disease and Age-and-Gender Matched Healthy Speakers
- S. Parveen, S. Anand, I. Washburn
- Lingual movement characteristics of children with cerebral palsy
- I. Nip, C. Arias, K. Morita, H. Richardsons
- Speech Movement Variability in Children with Speech Sound Disorders
- R. Mental, R. Pannone, N. Schreiber, L. Freebarin, J. Tag, B. Lewis, S. Iyengar, C. Stein, J. Vick
- Within-speaker measures of acoustic and articulatory variability during vowel production during citation and conversational speech
- K. Reilly
- How People with Parkinson’s Disease Describe Speaking: Implications for Treatment
Saturday, March 5, 2016
- 8:00 AM Poster
- Examining speech intelligibility and self-rated communication-related quality of life in individuals with oromandibular dystonia receiving botulinum toxin therapy
- Tongue and lip movement for “whip” in speakers with dysarthria secondary to ALS
- A pilot study using clinically available assessment tools for testing lingual and labial somatosensation in people with apraxia of speech
- The Nature of Error Consistency in Individuals with Apraxia of Speech and Concomitant Aphasia
- Electromagnetic Articulographic Analysis of Speech Sound Sequencing Errors Induced by Delayed Auditory Feedback
- Changes in the Neural Activation and Network Connectivity following Intensive Voice Treatment in Children with Cerebral Palsy
- Examining the Role of FOXP2 Gene Expression in Oral Feeding Success and Speech Development in Infants Born Prematurely
- Changes in White Matter Integrity Following Intensive Voice Treatment (LSVT LOUD®) in Children with Cerebral Palsy and Motor Speech Disorders
- The Effects Of Loudness And Speaking Rate Manipulation On Vowel Production In Spanish Speakers With Parkinson’s Disease
- Do Parkinsonian Dysfluencies Align With Established Characteristics Of Neurogenic Stuttering?
- The influence of deictic gestures on prosodic stress produced by children with and without childhood apraxia of speech
- Quantification of Articulatory Deficits in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease Using Cepstral Coefficients
- Facilitating speech motor learning with noninvasive brain stimulation
- Measurement of Jaw Angle Variation in Dysarthria from a Single EMA Sensor
- Evaluation and treatment of a rare case of respiratory apraxia
- Fricative contrast and coarticulation in children with and without speech sound disorders
- Task‐Specific Laryngeal Mechanosensory Modulation is Altered in Individuals with Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia
- Effects of loudness and rate manipulations on lexical tone production in Mandarin speakers with dysarthria associated with Parkinson’s disease
- Development of Apraxia of Speech Treatment Outcome Measures: Test-Retest Reliability of the Percent Consonants Correct Metric
- Quantification and Systematic Characterization of Stuttering-Like Disfluencies in Acquired Apraxia of Speech
- Phonetic Similarity Effects in Apraxia of Speech
- Production of English lexical stress by Cantonese and Mandarin speakers
- Speech movement characteristics of children with CP after LSVT-LOUD
- 9:30 AM Session 6: Motor learning
- The impact of feedback frequency on performance in a novel speech motor learning task
- ‘Speech motor sequence learning in Parkinson disease & normal aging
- Effects of Blocked and Random Practice Schedules on Outcomes of Sound Production Treatment for Apraxia of Speech
- 10:30 AM Break
- 10:45 AM Special Session 2: Harnessing Principles of Plasticity in Motor Speech Rehabilitation
- 12:15 PM Lunch
- 1:15 PM Posters
- Impact of Cognitive Function and Dysarthria on Spoken Language and Perception in Multiple Sclerosis
- Novel Use of EGG vs EPG in Motor Speech
- Clinical and Physiological Markers of Bulbar ALS
- Motor learning guided and sound production treatment: comparison study training healthy adults novel meaningful speech
- Revisions to the Apraxia of Speech Rating Scale
- Comparison of lip rounding by children and adults
- The Oral and Speech Motor Abilities of Children with Specific Language Impairment
- Anatomic correlates to a quantitative fluency measure in primary progressive aphasia
- Rate Effects on Tongue Motor Control in Talkers with ALS
- Perception of Vocal Emotions associated with Cantonese speakers with Hypokinetic Dysarthria
- Parent training in the treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech using DTTC
- Speaker-independent, open-vocabulary silent speech recognition for assisting laryngectomee’s speech communication
- Speech intelligibility associated with deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson’s disease at therapeutic and low frequency settings compared to no stimulation
- Normative Lifespan Database for Vowel Formants: Methodological Considerations and Preliminary Results
- The Effect of Working Memory on Prosodic Production and Processing
- Use of smartwatch technology for people with dysarthria
- Speech and communication changes reported by persons with Multiple Sclerosis
- Influence of type of feedback on effect of tablet-based delivery of intensive speech therapy in children
- A Kinematic Investigation of Tongue-Jaw Differentiation throughout Development
- Perceptually salient sound distortions and apraxia of speech
- The influence of practice on speech motor control in children with apraxia of speech
- Acquisition and Retention of Speech Motor Skills: Effect of Different Practice Models
- 2:45 PM Session 7: Speech – nonspeech issues
- Speech and nonspeech: What are we talking about?
- Revisiting the temporal control of oral-motor behaviors: A statistical approach
- Do distinct sensorimotor learning mechanisms underlie auditory-motor speech adaptation and visuo-motor reach adaptation?
- 3:45 PM Break
- 4:00 PM Session 8: Functional and structural abnormalities
- Examination of Articulatory Movement of Lip, Pseudo-Tongue, Hyoid, and Lower Incisor in a case of Congenital Aglossia.
- The Impact of Labial Strength on Speech Following Facial Transplantation
- Palatal Lift Prosthesis: Predicting Successful Outcomes
Sunday, March 6, 2016
- 8:00 AM Session 9: Neuroimaging studies of speech motor control
- The spatiotemporal neural dynamics of speech at segmental and suprasegmental timescales
- Intrinsic connectivity of communication networks: An ICA characterization of apraxia of speech and hypokinetic dysarthria
- Left to Right, Right to Left: Premotor Connectivity Underlies Apraxia of Speech
- 9:00 AM Break
- 9:15 AM Session 10: Normal and disordered speech motor development
- Prevalence Estimates for Three Types of Motor Speech Disorders In Ten Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorders (CND)
- Speech motor control and language load in typical and atypical learners
- Acoustic markers of sentence stress in children with dysarthria and cerebral palsy
- 10:20 AM Adjournment
2014 Program
Wednesday, Feb 26, 2014
5:00 PM – 7:30 PM Registration
Thursday, Feb 27, 2014
- 8:00 AM Welcome
- 8:15 AM Session 1: Nature of MSD: Exploring Larger Databases
- Phonatory Motor Cortices During Normal and Disordered Speech Production: A Meta-analytic Connectivity Analysis
- Clinical and imaging characterization of progressive spastic dysarthria
- A Pause Marker to Discriminate Childhood Apraxia of Speech from Speech Delay
- Predict bulbar motor involvement due to ALS: A data-mining approach
- 9:50 AM Break
- 10:05 AM Session 2: Feedback Systems
- Autonomic Relations to Speech Motor Control in Younger and Older Adults
- The Laryngeal Mechanosensorium: Beyond Ballistics into Fine Motor Control
- Modulation of auditory responses to syllables vs. tones during speech movement planning
- The neural changes in connectivity of the voice network during error detection and correction
- 11:30 AM Lunch
- 1:00 PM Special Session 1: Acoustic Sensitivity of the Vocal Tract as a Guide to Speech Development
- 1:45 PM Special Session 2: Motor Speech Disorders in a Multi-Lingual World: Why Native Language Matters
- 2:30 PM Break
- 2:45 PM Session 3: Issues in Assessment of Dysarthrias
- Clear speech in individuals with Parkinson Disease: Application of a novel index of vowel articulation
- Rate and precision of oral-motor movements in speech vs. non-speech tasks
- Effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) on listener intelligibility in speech studies simulating dysarthric hypophonia
- Within-speaker variation for different speech styles in a connected speech task for speakers with dysarthria and healthy speakers
- 4:05 PM Poster Session
- Adaptation of the Cortical Somatosensory Evoked Potential Following Pneumatic Stimulation of the Face in Adults
- Speech Recognition as a Practice Tool for a Speaker with TBI and Dysarthria
- Age-Related Differences in the Effects of Cognitive Demand on Speech Motor Control
- Auditory feedback perturbation in adults and children
- Rehabilitative Speech Computer Game Calibration Using Empirical Characterizations of Articulatory Working Space (AWS)
- Parent Training for Rapid Syllable Transitions Treatment for Childhood Apraxia of Speech: Fidelity of parent conducted treatment – a pilot study
- Loudness perception and speech intensity control in Parkinson’s disease
- Practice and Retention of Nonwords in Adolescents and Adults Who Stutter
- The effect of botulinum toxin type A on speech intelligibility and self-ratings of communicative effectiveness by speakers with oromandibular dystonia
- A comparison of Lombard-elicited changes on laryngeal aerodynamics in healthy older adults and adults with Parkinson’s disease
- Relationship between acoustic measures and scaled intelligibility in Parkinson’s disease: A within – speaker approach
- Acoustic and Kinematic Correlates of Lexical Stress in Childhood Apraxia of Speech
- Investigation of Feedback Schedules on Speech Motor Learning in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease
- Using Acoustics to Evaluate Repeated Motoric Practice as a Treatment for Acquired Apraxia of Speech
- “I feel sorry for this person” – Attitudes of naïve listeners toward adults with dysarthria in cerebral palsy
- Development of the acoustic vowel quadrilateral: normative data and a clinical application
- The Impact of Contrastive Stress on Vowel Intelligibility in Dysarthria
- Intelligibility and Speaking Rate Scores in Children with and without Dysarthria
- Effect of clinical experience on perceptions of speaker similarity in dysarthria
- Relationship of sentence characteristics to intelligibility for children with dysarthria
- Information transfer rate of an AAC system utilizing facial surface electromyography
- The Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation on Vowel Space in Parkinson’s Disease MSD
- Explanatory Intelligibility Rating Test
- 5:45 PM Reception and Dinner
Friday, Feb 28, 2014
- 8:00 AM Session 4: Issues in Assessment of AOS
- Effects of Masking on Vowel Space Area in Childhood Apraxia of Speech
- Effects of feedback masking on fricative contrast in speakers with and without apraxia of speech
- Auditory feedback perturbation in children with developmental speech sound disorders
- The Apraxia of Speech Rating Scale: A Tool for Diagnosis and Description of AOS
- 9:20 AM Break
- 9:35 AM Session 5: Normal Development
- Vocal tract area functions for child talkers
- The Developmental Trajectory of Linguistic Prosody
- Lingual Kinematics: Developmental and Consonantal Differences in 10-15 Year Old Children
- 10:35 AM Break
- 10:50 AM Session 6: MSD: Treatment and Theory
- Changes in speech motor control as children with CAS learn novel words
- Conversational entrainment: A novel framework for modeling communication interactions in motor speech disorders
- Technology-enhanced maintenance practice following LSVT LOUD in children with cerebral palsy and dysarthria
- 11:50 AM Posters
- Articulatory Kinematics of Alternating and Sequential Motion Rate Diadochokinesis
- Electropalatographic Measures of Stops on Repeated Sampling Occasions
- Meta-analytic connectivity of the globus pallidus pars interna to regions within the motor speech network
- The influence of reading on prosody in the “My Grandfather” passage
- Modulation of ERPs through volitional changes to voice fundamental frequency
- Lexical and task effects associated with speech production in noise
- Orofacial Muscle Tone in Younger and Older Normal Speakers
- Orofacial Vibrotactile Detection Thresholds and Low-level Force Control Capabilities in Healthy Young and Aging Adults
- Orthographic Transparency Influences Speech Movement Stability in Typically Developing and Low-Proficiency Readers
- Perception of speech and non-speech motor performance by individuals with PD, communication partners, and a trained rater
- Vowel intelligibility in children with dysarthria
- Effect of concurrent walking and interlocutor distance on conversational speech intensity and rate in Parkinson’s disease
- Speech fluency and intelligibility in left hemisphere stroke: Effects of masking and altered auditory feedback
- Measuring Outcome Following Treatment for Acquired Motor Speech Disorders in Adults
- Generalizability of Perceptual Learning for Dysarthric Speech: Evidence for Type Specificity
- Articulatory Movements in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Tongue and Jaw Interactions
- Rapid Syllable Transitions Treatment for Childhood Apraxia of Speech: The Effect of Twice -Weekly Treatment
- Familiarization Effects on Dysarthric Speech Perception: Evidence of Enhanced Segmental Perception
- A cross-language study of acoustic predictors of speech intelligibility in individuals with Parkinson’s disease
- Perceptual ratings of dysarthric speech in non-standard American English speakers
- Direction of attentional focus in speech-motor learning: Evidence from biofeedback intervention
- Trade off between speech clarity and context in dysarthric productions
- Hybridizing Conversational and Clear Speech to Investigate the Source of Intelligibility Variation in Parkinson’s Disease
- Generating personalized speech synthesis for speakers with dysarthria using source-filter theory
- 1:20 PM Afternoon free
Saturday, March 1, 2014
- 8:00 AM Session 7: Vocal Loudness and Articulation
- Randomized Control Trial (RCT) of Voice and Speech Treatment in Parkinson Disease
- Harmonic Amplitude Differences Before and After Technology-Assisted LSVT® for Parkinson Disease
- Adaptation effect in Parkinson Disease: Articulatory-acoustic and fluency characteristics
- Respiratory,laryngeal,and articulatory adjustments to Changes in vocal loudness in typically developing children and children with spastic‐type cerebral palsy
- 9:20 AM Break
- 9:35 AM Special Session 3: The continuity of planning and execution processes in spoken language production:
- 11:05 AM Break
- 11:20 AM Session 8: Adaptation and Compensation
- Effective connectivity associated with auditory error detection in musicians with absolute pitch
- Consonant Context Effects on Sensorimotor Adaptation of Vowel Production
- A Real-Time, Interactive Silent Speech Interface based on Electromagnetic Articulograph
- Bidirectional Interference between Speech and Non-Speech Tasks in College-Age, Middle-Aged, and Older Adults
- 12:40 PM Lunch
- 2:00 PM Session 9: What Clients Say
- Self-Judgments of Speech Production Accuracy in Acquired Apraxia of Speech
- Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Dysarthria Intervention
- Communicative participation across motor speech disorders in adults
- 3:00 PM Posters
- Articulatory Working Space as a Kinematic Target in Augmented Feedback Applications
- The role of feedback on discrimination of vocal sound pressure levels
- Modulation of Laryngeal Mechanosensory Detection Thresholds with Voice and Interrupted Voice
- Development of a probe wordlist for the assessment of treatment progress and generalization in children with motor speech disorders
- A study of speech sound sequencing errors due to delayed auditory feedback
- Will learned supra-segmental GMPs generalize across different segmental GMPs?
- The neural changes in connectivity of the voice network during error detection and correction
- Speaker-specific modeling of vocal tract shape and vowel space
- Evaluation of speech amplification devices in Parkinson’s disease
- Speech motor sequence learning abilities of adults who stutter
- Development of a learning task for a process-oriented diagnostics of developmental speech sound disorders: a pilot study
- Everyday Listeners’ Perceptions of Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia (ADSD) Speech
- Characterizing intonation in children with cerebral palsy and dysarthria
- The Influence of Linguistic Complexity on Speech Movement Stability in Children with CP
- Be Clear: a new intensive speech treatment for adults with non-progressive dysarthria
- Principles of Motor Learning Applied to Direct Biofeedback on Voice Use With a Portable Voice Accumulator in Subjects With Parkinson’s Disease
- Listener perception of alphabet-supplemented speech: A brain imaging study
- Dynamic Aspects of Articulating with a Virtual Vocal Tract in Dysarthria
- Inducing speech errors in dysarthria using tongue twisters
- Speech and nonspeech vocal tract movements in adults with early brain damage
- Apraxia of Speech: A 10 year literature review of patient selection criteria, assessment measures, and tasks
- Effect of Etiology on the Impact of Deep Brain Stimulation
- Syntactic disambiguation in individuals with Parkinson’s disease
- Measuring Outcome Following Treatment for Acquired Motor Speech Disorders in Adults
Sunday, March 2, 2014
- 8:00 AM Posters
- Relationship between Relative Fundamental Frequency and Parkinson’s Disease
- Continuous Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) Intervention changes for velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) sixteen years post onset
- Does speech function correlate with non-speech motor function in Parkinson’s disease?
- Lateral jaw stability in children with developmental speech disorders
- What explains the clear speech benefit in dysarthria?
- Patient Perceptions of Speech Production Pre and Post Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery
- Stimulus Generalization Effects of Treatment for Acquired Apraxia of Speech
- Stage-based deterioration of speech motor performances in early ALS
- Are lesion studies still the golden standard for speech research?
- Can Single/Triple Pulse TMS Provide Insight into Speech Production?
- The auditory-perceptual speech features in adults and children with Down syndrome
- Articulation in Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Speech Stability in Stuttering and Nonstuttering Speakers: Influence of Task Complexity
- Kinematic Characteristics of Speaking Rate in Individuals with Cerebral Palsy: A Preliminary Study
- The Functional Connectivity of Broca’s Area: A Meta-analytic Approach
- Responses to manipulations in auditory feedback: The effect of aging
- Electropalatographic Measures of Stop Consonants in Speakers with and without Apraxia of Speech on Repeated Sampling Occasions
- Intensity perturbation during running speech
- 8:00 AM Session 10: General Motor Control
- Automatic Adaptive Single-Interval Up-Down (SIUD) Threshold Tracking of Vibrotactile Stimuli in the Face and Hand of Neurotypical Adults
- Genioglossus muscle motor unit activity during static vowel articulation
- Neural Networks for Children in Overt Production of Phonation and Speech, an fMRI study
- The Predictability of Tongue Movement Pattern Variability Based on Formant Movement Patterns in Younger and Older Adults
- 9:20 AM Break
- 9:35 AM Session 11: Broader Issues in MSDs
- Assessing the validity of a crowdsourcing approach to speech data rating
- Cross‐Linguistic Application of English‐Centric Rhythm Descriptors in Motor Speech Disorders
- Measuring Outcome Following Treatment for Acquired Motor Speech Disorders in Adults
- 10:35 AM Adjournment
Disclosure Statements
Berry – Consonant
Berry – DDK
Boliek – Loudness
Boliek – Neuro
H Clark/McCaig
H Clark
H Kim
H Kim
Y. Kim
Koch Fager
Laures Gore
Liss – Cross Linguistic
MacPherson – Autonomic
MacPherson – Cognitive
Malloy – DAF
Malloy – EMG
McAllister Byun – Focus
McAllister Byun – Crowd
R. Patel – Marionette
R Patel – Tradeoff
S. Patel
Schoelderle – Attitudes
Schoelderle – Nonspeech
Story – Area
Story – Vocal
Terband – Auditory
Terband – Development
Thomas – Dose
Thomas – Parent
2012 Program
Wednesday, Feb 29, 2012
5:00 PM – 7:30 PM Registration
Thursday, March 1, 2012
- 8:00 AM Welcome
- 8:15 AM Session 1: Diff Diagnosis – Disorders
- Differential diagnosis of 56 children with suspected Childhood Apraxia of Speech
- Diagnostic Signs of Childhood Apraxia of Speech in Idiopathic, Neurogenetic, and Complex Neurodevelopmental Contexts
- The use of long-term average spectra (LTAS) in discriminating dysarthria types
- Diagnostic measures of speech loss in persons with ALS: A comparison of non-speech and speech tasks
- 9:50 AM Break
- 10:05 AM Session 2: Normal Development
- Development of speech motor tracts from late childhood to adulthood
- Developmental Trajectory for Production of Prosody: Lexical Stress Contrastivity in Children 3 to 7 Years and Adults
- Timing Relationships Between Vocalization and Breath Support in Infants
- Decreased EMG activity during disfluent speech and asymmetrical activation of lower lip: A study of preschoolers who stutter and their typically fluent peers
- 11:30 AM Lunch
- 1:00 PM Special Session 1: A Tale of Two Primary Motor Areas: “Old” and “New” M1
- 2:30 PM Break
- 2:45 PM Session 3: Classification
- Phenotypic profiles in a family of 11 with a speech-sound disorder of suspected genetic origin.
- Perceptual similarity of dysarthric speech
- Towards a typology of intonation in motor speech disorders
- Dysarthria syndromes in adult cerebral palsy
- 4:05 PM Poster Session
- A Comparison of Throat and Head Microphones in a PDA-based evaluation of hypophonia in Parkinson’s disease
- Factors influencing the error patterns of patients with apraxia of speech: Group effects and individual variation
- Investigation of Feedback Schedules on Speech Motor Learning in Individuals with Apraxia of Speech
- Effects of LSVT® LOUD (Lee Silverman Voice Treatment) on speech intelligibility in children with Cerebral Palsy
- Comparing variability in speech motor control in dysarthria with perceptual and acoustic assessments
- Social Participation and Speech Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease
- Lexically-conditioned phonetic variation in acquired sound production impairment
- Reduced arm kinaesthetic sensitivity in spasmodic dysphonia
- Impact of global and local prosodic strategies on intelligibility in children with motor speech impairment
- Lexical stress production in healthy and apraxia speakers of French and Australian-English
- Comparison of intelligibility, comprehensibility and acceptability of typical dysarthric speech by older and younger normal adults
- Vocal modulation in MS: A potential clinical marker
- Contributors to speech intelligibility in preschool-aged children with cerebral palsy
- Examining conversational speech intelligibility in individuals with hypophonia and Parkinson’s disease
- Speech Hesitations and Neuropsychological Function in Multiple Sclerosis
- Controlling a formant synthesizer using a non-invasive brain-machine interface
- Development of Velopharyngeal Closure in Young Children: Preliminary Observations
- Validation of a standardized Computer Articulation Instrument (CAI) for children
- Longitudinal Investigation of Speech Motor Coordination and Language-Motor Interactions in Children Who Stutter
- The Relative Contribution of the Lower Lip and Jaw Across the Lifespan
- The Effect of Practice Schedules on Short- and Longer-term Nonword Acquisition and Retention
- Developmental changes in speech movement variability
- A model of vocal tract growth and acoustic characteristics of vowels
- Relating the kinematic variability of speech to the overt and covert features of developmental stuttering
- 5:45 PM Reception and Dinner
Friday, March 2, 2012
- 8:00 AM Session 4: Dysarthria
- A longitudinal study of communicative participation in individuals with Multiple Sclerosis: latent classes and predictors
- Supplemented Speech Recognition for Dysarthria
- Effect of Speech Sample Type on Intelligibility and Rate Measures in Children with Dysarthria
- Interaction of Syntactic Complexity, Memory Load, and Balance in Parkinson’s Disease
- 9:20 AM Break
- 9:35 AM Session 5: Neurologic Basis
- Event related potentials reveal temporal mechanisms of speech relevant somatosensory-auditory interaction
- Patterns of Brain Activity Associated with Formant Stability During Vowel Production
- The tree structure of speech motor plans: a neurophonetic perspective
- 10:35 AM Break
- 10:50 AM Session 6: Adaptation and Compensation
- Sensorimotor Adaptation in Severe Dysarthria
- The Benefit of Stretched Speech: Increased articulatory precision or increased processing time?
- Neural correlates of chronic dysarthria associated with TBI sustained in childhood
- 11:50 AM Posters
- A Preliminary Evaluation of the Impact of LSVT/LOUD on Narrative Discourse and Communicative Gesture in Parkinson disease
- A Comparison of Stimulability Testing with Treatment Outcomes in Parkinson Disease
- Effects of LSVT® LOUD (Lee Silverman Voice Treatment) on speech intelligibility in children with Down syndrome
- Frequency of apical and laminal /s/ in normal and post-glossectomy patients
- Predicting Speech Intelligibility Scores of Children with Dysarthria and Cerebral Palsy from Phonetic Measures of Speech Accuracy
- Voice onset time comparison of children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Phonological Disorders, and typical speech development
- Effects of EMST (Expiratory Muscle Strength Training) on Speech and Respiration in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Treatment effects in Voice Onset Time of plosives due to deep brain stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus and the Caudal Zona Incerta
- The same dysarthria in different languages: Perceptual and acoustic characteristics of Korean speakers with Parkinson Disease
- Functional near-infrared spectroscopy correlates of ALS-related speech motor, cognitive, and language deficits
- The effects of two speech interventions on functional intelligibility in pediatric dysarthria
- Childhood Apraxia of Speech: Kinematic & Perceptual Outcomes of Treatment
- Long-time Average Spectrum in Individuals with Parkinson Disease: Medication Effects
- Management of Glottal Incompetence with Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) Program
- Anticipatory coarticulation in typically developing children and in children with speech disorders
- Neural control of fundamental frequency rise and fall in Mandarin tones
- Acoustic-Perceptual Relationships in Clear Speech
- New Technique for Averaging Voice Fundamental Frequency Responses to Pitch-Shifted Feedback
- The Development of Speech Motor Control: Effects of Speaker Sex, Age, and Linguistic Demands
- Age-Related Changes in Oro-Facial Speed Capacity
- Unexpected intensity changes in the ear canal during pitch shift experiment
- Effects of errorless learning on velopharyngeal movement control
- Acoustic characteristics of respiratory-induced vocal tremor
- Sensorimotor Adaptation of Speech Using Real-Time Articulatory Synthesis
- Generating personalized speech synthesis for speakers with dysarthria using source-filter theory
- 1:20 PM Afternoon free
Saturday, March 3, 2012
- 8:00 AM Session 7: AOS
- The role of auditory feedback during speech production in apraxia of speech
- Spatial-Temporal Coupling of the Oral Articulators in Childhood Apraxia of Speech
- Primary Progressive Apraxia Of Speech: Neurologic and Neuroimaging Correlates
- Knowledge of speech motor plans in normal adult speakers and in individuals with apraxia of speech
- 9:20 AM Break
- 9:35 AM Special Session: Clinicopathological, genetic and imaging associations of progressive speech and language disorders: A neurologist’s perspective
- 11:05 AM Break
- 11:20 AM Session 8: General Motor Control
- Neural Substrates of Force Control in Tongue Speech and Nonspeech Movements
- Compensation and adaptation following auditory feedback perturbation in L2 learners of English
- Some people prefer the feel of their speech to the sound: On sensory preference during speech motor learning
- Measuring 3D tongue fdeformation based on the muscular hydrostat model
- 12:40 PM Lunch
- 2:00 PM Session 9: Treatment I
- Evidence of microstructural changes in the brain following intensive voice treatment (LSVT®LOUD) for children with spastic cerebral palsy and dysarthria
- Changes to Physiology as a Result of a New Treatment, SpeechVive(TM), for Individuals with Parkinson’s disease
- Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation as a treatment for articulatory dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease
- 3:00 PM Posters
- The effect of increased vocal intensity on interarticulator timing in Parkinson’s disease: A preliminary analysis
- Development of a framework for evaluating the pre-practice component motor learning in therapy
- Diagnostic Methods in Childhood Apraxia of Speech Research: 2001-2010
- Comparison of Speech and Non-Speech Preferred Motor Tempo in Parkinson Disease
- AAC Users’ Recommendations for Improving Patient-Provider Communication
- The effect of weakness on speech and swallowing in Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy
- Multiple stop bursts in normal adults and individuals with Parkinson Disease
- Relationship Between Prosody and Intelligibility in Children with Dysarthria
- Generating personalized speech synthesis for speakers with dysarthria using source-filter theory
- Effects of intervention on the speech intelligibility of children with cerebral palsy and dysarthria
- Thalamotomy for Essential Tremor: A very long-term follow-up of speech and voice
- Acoustic metrics of dysarthric vowel articulation: Correlation with self-rated speech by speakers with Parkinson’s disease and healthy control
- Voice use and effects of biofeedback in Parkinson’s disease, studied with a newly developed portable voice accumulator, the VoxLog
- Effect of speech task on severe stuttering in Parkinson’s disease
- Preservation of relational timing in Parkinsonian speech with and without DBS
- Relation of constriction location, formant transitions, and consonant identification based on VCVs simulated with a child-like model of speech production
- Modulation of auditory responses during speech planning: high-density EEG analyses
- Comparing Velopharyngeal Function in Children With and Without Speech Sound Disorder
- Context-induced sound errors in apraxia of speech
- Sensorimotor response to segmental perturbations of auditory speech feedback: adaptation, generalization, and contrast distance
- Speech rate strategies in younger and older adults
- Investigation of Feedback Schedules on Speech Motor Learning
- Influence of Speaker Intent on Speech Movement Variability
Sunday, March 4, 2012
- 8:00 AM Posters
- Relationship between Relative Fundamental Frequency and Parkinson’s Disease
- Continuous Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) Intervention changes for velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) sixteen years post onset
- Does speech function correlate with non-speech motor function in Parkinson’s disease?
- Lateral jaw stability in children with developmental speech disorders
- What explains the clear speech benefit in dysarthria?
- Patient Perceptions of Speech Production Pre and Post Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery
- Stimulus Generalization Effects of Treatment for Acquired Apraxia of Speech
- Stage-based deterioration of speech motor performances in early ALS
- Are lesion studies still the golden standard for speech research?
- Can Single/Triple Pulse TMS Provide Insight into Speech Production?
- The auditory-perceptual speech features in adults and children with Down syndrome
- Articulation in Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
- Speech Stability in Stuttering and Nonstuttering Speakers: Influence of Task Complexity
- Kinematic Characteristics of Speaking Rate in Individuals with Cerebral Palsy: A Preliminary Study
- The Functional Connectivity of Broca’s Area: A Meta-analytic Approach
- Responses to manipulations in auditory feedback: The effect of aging
- Electropalatographic Measures of Stop Consonants in Speakers with and without Apraxia of Speech on Repeated Sampling Occasions
- Intensity perturbation during running speech
- The Efficacy of PROMPT in Treating Childhood Apraxia of Speech
- 9:30 AM Session 10: General Motor Control
- Speech production in noise and the control of sibilant contrasts
- Effects of practice type on speech motor acquisition and retention in healthy young and elderly adults
- Gating of Laryngeal Somatosensory Detection During Active Phonation
- 10:30 AM Break
- 10:45 AM Session 11: Treatment II
- Impact of intensive treatment targeting loudness or articulation on facial and vocal expression in Parkinson disease (PD)
- Treatment for Acquired Apraxia of Speech: Examination of Treatment Intensity and Practice Schedule
- Treatment of dysarthria in two adults with Down syndrome
- 12:00 PM Adjournment
2010 Program
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
5:00 – 7:30 PM Registration
Thursday, March 4, 2010
- 7:00-8:00 AM – Continental Breakfast and Late Registration
- 8:00 AM – Welcome
- 8:30 AM – Intelligibility
- Individual Differences in Perceptual Stategies
- The effects of topic knowledge on intelligibility and lexical segmentation of hypokinetic and ataxic dysarthria
- Stability of Intelligibility Measures for Children with Dysarthria
- 10:00 Break
- 10:15 AM – Sensory Mechanisms and Learning
- Speech motor adaptation due to somatosensory modulation of the facial skin
- Speech Motor Learning Affects Auditory Perception
- Specificity of speech sensori-motor learning
- 11:45 AM Lunch
- 1:30 PM Special Session: Sensory feedback control of vocal motor pathways
- 3:00 PM Break
- 3:15 PM – Treatment of Apraxia in Adults
- Effects of Repeated Practice and Rate Control Treatment on Sound Production in Acquired Apraxia of Speech
- Script training in a case of primary progressive AOS with aphasia
- Error Prediction in Acquired Apraxia of Speech
- 5:00 PM Poster Symposium
- Normal Track
- Muscle-fiber heterogeneity in craniofacial muscles: Implications for speech development and speech motor control
- Cognitive and linguistic influences on speech movement variability
- Vowel-specific responses to formant perturbation of speech auditory feedback: The effects of rhotacization
- Tongue movement variability during vocalic transitions: A speech imitation study
- Head movement correlates with increased effort in an accelerating speech production task
- Recognizing continuously produced vowels form artciulatory movements
- Diadochokientic speech rates and tongue strength
- Disorders Track
- Examining communication-related quality of life in individuals with hypophonia and Parkinson’s disease
- Relationship of Communicative Effectiveness to Voice Handicap, Acoustics, and Behavioral Characteristics in People with Parkinson Disease
- Reliability of significant-other ratings of speech, voice and participation in people with Parkinson disease
- A qualitative study of communicative participation restrictions across adults with different motor speech disorders
- Evaluating Social Networks as a Measure of Participation Following Onset of Dysarthria
- Environmental barriers to communication for individuals with dysarthria
- Psychometric Properties of The Dysarthria Impact Profile
- Application of the WHO ICF to Management of Acquired Apraxia of Speech
- 6:30 PM Reception and Dinner
Friday, March 5, 2010
- 7:30 AM Continental Breakfast
- 8:00 AM – Auditory Issues
- Auditory Feedback and Vowel Imitation
- Inter- and Intrau-subject Variability of Voice F0 Responses to Auditory Feedback Pitch Shifts
- The role of auditory feedback in the online control of articulatory trajectories and timing in a multi-syllabic utterance
- Prosodic compensations to pitch perturbations in running speech
- 10:00 AM Break
- 10:15 AM – Dysarthria Assessment
- Acoustic metrics of dysarthric vowel articulation: Advantages and disadvantages
- Vowel production in Dysarthria: A Comparison Clear, Loud and Slow Speech
- Quantifying orofacial muscle stiffness: Preliminary observations
- Rhythm and intonation in ataxic dysarthria
- 12:15 PM Introduction to Poster Session
- Effect of Speaking Rate on Comprehension of Prosodic Intent in Dysarthria: Pilot Results
- Apraxia of Speech: Perceptual Analysis of Bisyllabic Word Productions Across Repeated Sampling Occasions
- Treating expressive aprosodia: A case study
- Intensive Treatment to Improve Residual Articulation Errors in Two School-Age Children
- Computational modeling of basal ganglia impairments in developmental stuttering
- Impact of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training on Cortical Excitability of the Lateral Abdominal Musculature
- Endoscopic assessment of vocal fold movements during cough
- A systematic review of dysarthria related to ALS: Assessment, treatment, and timing
- Identifying Words of Children with Dysarthria: Relationship between Listener Response Time and Effort Ratings
- The effect of aging on nonword repetition: Behavioral and kinematic evidence
- Preliminary Findings of a Treatment Effect from a Maximum Performance Speech Treatment for Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease and Dysarthria
- Computer Recognition of Dysarthric Speech using Acoustic and sEMG Signals
- Repetition of real and pseudowords: The effects of syllable order
- Effects of Strength Training on Neuromuscular Facial Rehabilitation
- Perceptual and articulatory changes in speech production following PROMPT treatment
- Kinematic and acoustic steadiness of sustained vowels: Typical production versus simultated dyskinesia and dysphonia
- Effects of phonological competiton on speech production
- Effect of Task Structure on Respiratory Support for Speech in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease
- Spectral analysis of /t/ and /k/ produced by children with CAS, phonological disorders, and typical speech development
- Using Interactive WebCam Technology to Implement MLG and AAC Treatment for Severe Apraxia: A Case Example
- Improving Acoustic Landmark Detection in Dysarthria Using Contrastive Stress
- Long Term Average Spectral (LTAS) Measures of Dysarthria and the Relationship to Perceived Severity
- Relationship between auditory acuity and the use of motor equivalent strategies
- 2:00 PM Adjourn for the day
Saturday, March 6, 2010
- 7:30 AM Continental Breakfast
- 8:00 AM Sensory Systems and Speech
- MEG Registration of Short-Term Cortical Adaptation to TAC-CELL Inputs to Human Face and Hand
- Investigation of speech motor control of speakers who stutter and fluent controls using scanning and image analysis
- Sensory Mechanisms of Voice Control
- 9:30 AM Special Session – The role of neural reorganization in recovery after brain injury
- 11:30 AM Lunch
- 1:30 PM CAS
- The relationship between articulator movement and error consistency in childhood apraxia of speech
- Speech and Genetic Substrates of Childhood Apraxia of Speech
- Testing hypotheses about the neurological mechanisms underlying Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
- A treatment for dysprosody in childhood apraxia of speech
- 3:30 PM Intro to Poster Session
- Effects of LSVT LOUD (Lee Silverman Voice Treatment) on acoustic measures of voice and vowel articulation in children with Down syndrome
- Acoustic predictors of speech intelligibility in Parkinson’s disease
- Effects of cognitive-linguistic load and on-off medication cycles on gait variability in Parkinson’s disease
- Modeling linguistic movement in American Sign Language
- Random versus Blocked Practice in Treatment for Childhood Apraxia of Speech
- Speech and manual reaction time as a function of dopaminergic medication in Parkinson’s disease
- Orthographically sensitive treatment for prosody in Childhood Apraxia of Speech
- The Effect of Motoneuron Degeneration on Speech Motor Control in Talkers with ALS
- Acoustic and articulatory inter-speaker variability in twins’ speech production: The impact of biomechanics and environmental factors
- Dysfluency analysis in adductor spasmodic dysphonic patients
- Speech Treatment for Individuals with IPD Post Deep Brain Stimulation: LSVT-DBS
- Effects of Interlocutor Distance, Multi-talker Background Noise, and a concurrent Manual Task on Speech Intensity in Parkinson’s Disease
- Stop + Vowel Coarticulation in Fluent and Non-fluent Utterances in Adults Who Stutter: Preliminary Results
- Comparison of Speech and Non-Speech Motor Timing in Parkinson Disease
- Jerk-cost and other motor indices of disease progression in ALS
- Segmental and voice characteristics of speech in children with cerebral palsy: Prediction of Intelligibility
- Influence of different levels of biofeedback on speech motor learning
- Perceptual and Acoustic Features of Dysarthria in Multiple System Atrophy
- Effects of Reverberation upon the Perception of Dysarthric Speech
- The Caterpillar: A Novel Reading Passage for Assessment of Motor Speech Disorders
- Investigation of the role of a potential learning effect in HINT sentences used for intelligibility testing
- Perceptual speech features in children and adults with Down syndrome
- Influence of Stimulus Sentence Characteristics on Speech Intelligibility Scores in Hypokinetic Dysarthria
- Evaluation of a comparable control parameter for speech and non-speech: The effect of amount and practice on intra oral pressure accuracy
- 5:30 PM Adjourn for the day
Sunday, March 7, 2010
- 7:30 AM Continental breakfast
- 8:00 AM Intro to Poster Session
- Impact of Parental Accountability on Motor Speech Practice Patterns of Children with Speech Sound Disorders
- Speech in subjects with high spinal cord injury before and after intervention with glossopharyngeal breathing
- Behavioral and Kinematic Indices of Nonword Repetition Performance in Children Who Stutter
- Modes of vocal tract articulation in healthy speakers and dysarthria: Same or different?
- Articulatory changes in non-progressive dysarthria following LSVT
- Changes in respiratory and postural muscle activation patterns and simultaneous chest wall kinematics following intensive voice treatment LSVT LOUD for children with spastic cerebral palsy
- An acoustic analysis of speech production changes during Script Training for acquired Apraxia of Speech
- A comparison of familiarisation modes on perceptual learning and speech intelligibility of hypokinetic dysarthria
- Response maintenance and switching deficits in Parkinson’s disease
- Neck intermuscular coherence distinguishes normal from disordered voice production
- Dynamic Assessment in Pediatric Motor Speech Disorders: Reliability Evidence for the DEMSS
- Duration and Variability in Speakers with Dysarthria and Traumatic Brain Injury
- Longitudinal Changes to Respiratory Function for Speech in Individuals with Parkinson’s disease
- Conversation and repetition are affected differently by deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease: Voice and fluency measures
- Formant transitions in ataxic speech: an attempt to specify the shape and speed of formant trajectories in individuals with multiple sclerosis and control speakers
- Motor Speech Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for Essential Tremor
- A New Electromagnetic Motion Capture System: Measures of Speech Movements Produced by an Adolescent with Dysarthria Resulting from TBI
- Articulatory kinematics in dysarthric speakers with Friedreich’s ataxia
- Computer speech recognition as an objective measure of intelligibility
- Effects of the presence of a microphone on Parkinsonian speech: the performance effect
- The rate of inner speech in persons who stutter
- Stability and composition of functional synergies for speech movements in children with developmental speech disorders
- Assessment of the NDI Wave Speech Research System
- 9:30 AM Models and Methods
- Vocal Motor Deficits in a Songbird Model of Parkinson Disease
- A method for determining vowel and consonant contributions to the time-varying vocal track shape
- Partial Overlapping Neural Substrates of Oromotor Control
- 11:00 AM Break
- 11:15 AM Parkinson’s Disease
- Interactions between postural stability and speech in individuals with Parkinson’s disease
- Longitudinal Examination of the Influence of Syntax on Breath Patterns in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease
- Deep Brain Stimulation Disrupts Cortical-subcortical Interactions During Speech
- Effects of altered auditory feedback on festinating speech in Parkinson’s disease
- 1:15 PM Adjournment
2008 Program
Fourteenth Biennial Conference on Motor Speech:
Motor Speech Disorders & Speech Motor Control
March 6-9, 2008
Monterey, California
Motor Speech Disorders
Co-Conference Chair: Kathryn Yorkston, Ph.D.
Program Chair: Julie Liss, Ph.D.
Speech Motor Control
Co-Conference Chair: Christy Ludlow, Ph.D.
Christopher Moore, Ph.D.
Program Chair Don Finan, Ph.D.
Publications: Christopher Dromey, Ph.D.
Local Arrangements: Jim Till
Conference Management: Mark Hakel, Ph. D.
Acknowledgment: This conference has been sponsored in part by the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, the Department of Special Education & Communication Disorders, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, the Institute for Rehabilitation Science and Engineering at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
ASHA’s Special Interest Division 2, Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders, is approved by the Continuing Education Board of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association to provide continuing education activities in speech-language pathology and audiology. This program is offered for up to 2.3 CEUs (advanced level; professional area). ASHA CE Provider approval does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.
An annual ASHA CE Registry fee is required to register ASHA CEU’s. CE Registry fees are paid by the participant directly to the ASHA National Office. The annual CE Registry fee allows registration of an unlimited number of ASHA CEUs for the calendar year. Contact the ASHA CE staff at 800.498.2071, ext 4219 for CE Registry fee subscription information.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
- 7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast
- 8:00 Welcome
- 8:30 Parkinson’s Disease
- Vocal Responses to Loudness- and Pitch-Shift Perturbations in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease
- Speech Production in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease: Basic Kinematic Parameters and Effects of Increased Linguistic Demands on Interarticulatory Coordination
- Spatio-temporal variability in speakers with Parkinson’s Disease
- Laryngeal Engagement in Parkinson’s Disease: Evidence of Decreased Scaling in Laryngeal and Respiratory Control
- 10:30 Break
- 11:00 Development
- Acoustic Features that Distinguish Canonical Syllables from Precursors
- The input-output relationship: Understanding the link between phonological memory and speech motor control
- Articulatory speed from 9 to 21 months: Task effects
- 12:30 Lunch Break
- 2:00 Assessment
- The ecological validity of intelligibility assessment
- A new acoustic index of dysarthric vowel articulation (Complex Vowel Formant Ratio: CVFR): A comparison with vowel space area in individuals with and without Parkinson’s disease
- Web-based clinical assessment of intelligibility in dysarthria: MVP-Online
- 3:30 Intro to Poster Session
- 3:45 Poster Session
- Articulatory compensation: Interaction between target achievement, optimisation and the properties of the vocal apparatus
- Effect of Task on Acoustic Correlates of Stress: Implications for Research Methodology
- Task specific control of tongue movement speed: Additional evidence from Italian speakers
- Prosodic compensations to pitch perturbation during in running speech
- Dual Task Effects of Talking While Walking: Individuals with Parkinson Disease
- Speech effects of subthalamic deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease
- A Novel DSP Algorithm for Diagnosis of Hypokinetic Speech
- Use of neck and face surface EMG for controlling a prosthetic voice after total laryngectomy
- Task influences on articulation and voice parameters in ON and OFF deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s subjects
- The effects of deep brain stimulation on speech motor programming in patients with Parkinson’s disease
- Speech Intelligibility in a Speaker with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease Before and After Treatment
- Effects of cognitive-linguistic factors on speech and language production in Parkinson’s disease
- Orofacial Strength and Speech in Normal and Disordered Adults
- EMA analysis of anticipatory coarticulation in apraxia of speech
- Speech-to-Noise Levels and Conversational Intelligibility in Hypophonia and Parkinson’s Disease
- Machine Classification of Dysarthric Productions as an AAC Input Modality
- Treating consonant place of articulation in the speech of an individual with apraxia of speech using EMA-based feedback
- Treating Festinating Speech with Altered Auditory Feedback in Parkinson’s disease-A Preliminary Report
- Influence of Punctuation and Syntax on Breath Patterns in Reading
- Using a dual task paradigm to evaluate speech and limb motor function in individuals with early Parkinson disease
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation to assess corticospinal output to lateral abdominal muscles
- 5:30 Adjourn for Day
Friday, March 7, 2008
- 7:30 Continental Breakfast
- 8:00 Models of Production
- The Larynx Representation of the Human Motor Cortex
- Neural correlates of speaking rate and phonatory control
- Mechanisms of Vowel Production: Auditory Goals and Speaker Acuity
- The neural correlates of word and non-word production: Does frequency matter?
- 10:00 Break
- 10:15 Issues in Pediatric Motor Speech Disorders
- Speech Breathing Emergence and Early Refinement in Infants-Children with Cerebral Palsy
- An Innovative Syllable Transition Treatment Trial for Childhood Apraxia of Speech
- Psychometric Properties of a Motor Speech Evaluation for Children: The Dynamic Evaluation of Motor Speech Skill
- Studies of Childhood Apraxia of Speech in Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- 12:15 Intro to Poster Session
- 12:30 Poster Session
- Consonant articulation in young adults: a palatometric study
- Cortical and Subcortical Contributions to Ororhythmic Behavior
- Effects of utterance length and phonologic similarity on syllable timing in healthy and dysarthric speakers
- A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Virtual Lesion Study of Speech
- A Comparison of Vocal Tract Modes for Production of Vowels and Consonants
- Acoustic analysis of voice /speech characteristics in nonsymptomatic gene carriers of Huntington’s disease: does the speech/voice differ from non HD controls?
- Intelligibility of a Speech Synthesizer Vocoded Using Dysarthric Vocalizations
- The Effect of Hypophonia on Communication Effectiveness in Parkinson’s disease
- The Effects of Loudness and Noise on Speech Intelligibility in Parkinson Disease
- Treatment of Severe Childhood Apraxia of Speech in a 12-year-old male with CHARGE Association: A case study
- Effects in Parkinson’s subjects of ON vs OFF deep brain stimulation on overlearned and serial speech
- Effects of ON and OFF deep brain stimulation on voice quality in Parkinson’s disease
- Speech Intelligibility in ALS and HD: Comparison of Every Listener and Family Caregiver Perspectives
- Physiologic jaw tremor under different deep brain stimulator conditions in patients with Parkinson’s disease
- The Influence of Amplification on the Intelligibility of the Speech of Speakers with Dysarthria
- Comparison of Vowel Area in Suspected Childhood Apraxia of Speech
- Speech characteristics associated with three genotypes of ataxia
- Using MLG and AAC to Improve Speech Production in Profound Apraxia: A Case Example
- Are some letter cues more important than others in alphabet supplementation?
- MERT- a self practice alternative for improving subglottal pressure and loudness (Technical Report)
- Relational growth of vocal tract structures with vocal tract length during the first two decades of life as visualized from MRI and CT studies
- 2:00 Afternoon Free
Saturday, March 8, 2008
- 7:30 Continental Breakfast
- 8:00 Treatment Efficacy
- Combined Modality Treatment of Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia
- Segments and syllables as target units in the treatment of apraxia of speech: An investigation of learning and transfer effects
- Exploring treatment efficacy in non-progressive dysarthria: A comparison of two treatment programs
- 9:30 Special Session
- Driving Critical Initiatives in Motor Speech
- 11:30 Lunch Break
- 1:30 Physiology
- Learning sensorimotor mappings for speech and limb movements in adults who stutter
- Changes in speech and regional cerebral blood flow associated with subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease
- Neural Correlates of Efficacy of Voice Therapy Identified by Performance-Correlation Analysis
- 3:00 Intro to Poster Session
- 3:15 Poster Session
- Acoustic characteristics of VCV utterances in the speech of children
- Lip Kinematics in Early vs. Late Spanish-English Bilinguals
- Lingual and Buccal Strength: Innovations in Clinical Assessment
- Percent Vital Capacity per Syllable
- Neural Plasticity and Speech Motor Learning in Older Speakers: Evidence from a Nonword Learning Task
- The effect of loudness on articulatory function in non-dysarthric speakers with Parkinson’s disease
- Relationship between fundamental frequency declination rates and perceptual judgments of dysarthric speech in individuals with cerebral palsy
- The Effect of Rate Reduction on Marking Prosodic Contrasts in Dysarthria: Pilot Results
- Fundamental Frequency Characteristics in Dysarthria: Effects of Rate and Loudness
- Parkinson’s Disease and the Effect of Lexical Factors on Vowel Articulation
- Decreased activation in left hemisphere speech processing regions in adults who stutter during both speech perception and production
- Use of prosody by children with severe dysarthria: A Cantonese extension study
- On-line visual and kinematic feedback in a sound production treatment
- Laryngeal function during voluntary cough: Its relationship to penetration/aspiration and voice quality in Parkinson’s disease
- Acoustic consequences of disease progression in ALS
- Perception of Syntactic Boundaries in Speech Produced by Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease: The Effects of Linguistic Context, Loudness, and Listener Experience
- The impact of the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) on articulatory dynamics in Parkinson’s Disease
- Formant Steadiness: Treatment Related Changes in Speakers with Hypokinetic Dysarthria
- Intensive voice treatment of dysarthria secondary to stroke
- Perception of Parkinsonian speech: Ratings by self and others vs. acoustic measures
- Ultrasonic vocalization in rats after unilateral dopamine depletion or mild doses of a dopamine receptor antagonist: Towards an animal model of vocalization in Parkinson disease
- 5:30 Adjourn for Day
Sunday, March 9, 2008
- 7:30 Continental Breakfast
- 8:00 Intro to Poster Session
- 8:15 Poster Session
- Nonword Repetition in Children and Adults: Evidence for Consolidation of Speech Motor Learning
- Motor learning and transfer along two continua of complexity for nonspeech oral gestures
- Word frequency and phonologic similarity: Investigations into the processes of phonological processing for speech production
- The Study of Speech Motor Control as a Developmental Life Span Phenomena
- Compensatory responses to unexpected jaw loading during speech
- Articulation in children with childhood apraxia of speech or phonological disorder
- Changes in Speech Production Following Intensive Voice vs. Intensive Articulation Therapy in Parkinson Disease: A Preliminary Study
- Physiological constraints and their effects on articulatory performance in ALS
- The Speech Needs Questionnaire: Preliminary data from a spasmodic dysphonia sample
- Intensive voice treatment (LSVT) for children with spastic cerebral palsy
- Cues to Lexical Segmentation: A Study of Resynthesized Speech
- Clients’ perspectives on traditional vs. altered feedback therapy for rate control: Views of people with Parkinson Disease
- Increased levels of neural noise as the core deficit in Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
- Effects of dopaminergic medication on response preparation in Parkinson’s disease
- Influence of auditory distraction upon intelligibility ratings in dysarthria
- Validating the delivery of LSVT online
- Repetitive Speech Behavior in PD – relationship to cognition and response to DAF
- CASE REPORT: Glossopharyngeal and neck accessory muscle breathing permit ventilator free time in a young woman with C2 complete tetraplegia and tracheostomy
- Pauses or phonemic cues: What makes alphabet supplementation work?
- Nasal Obturation for Chronic Velopharyngeal Dysfunction of Dysarthria: A Technical Report
- Can IOPI Be Used to Measure Tongue Pressure for Speech Sounds?
- NTrainer Treatment Reduces Suck Spatiotemporal Variability in Preterm Infants
- 9:30 Feedback Processes
- Effect of age on response of the speech motor system to unanticipated perturbation of the lip
- Somatosensory information modifies perception of speech sounds
- Speech Motor Learning in Deaf Adults
- 11:00 Break
- 11:15 Dysarthria and AOS
- Examining Intelligibility Deficits in ALS and Huntington’s Disease
- Patterns of speech abnormality in a large dysarthria database: Interactions between severity, acoustic features and dysarthria type
- Spontaneous speech production in apraxia of speech: Influence of sublexical frequency and structure
- 12:45 Adjournment
2006 Program
Thirteenth Biennial Conference on Motor Speech:
Motor Speech Disorders & Speech Motor Control
March 23-26, 2006
Austin, Texas
Motor Speech Disorders
Co-Conference Chair: Kathryn Yorkston, Ph.D.
Program Chair: Christopher Dromey, Ph.D.
Speech Motor Control
Co-Conference Chair: Christy Ludlow, Ph.D.
Christopher Moore, Ph.D.
Program Chair Carol Boliek, Ph.D.
Publications: David Beukelman, Ph.D.
Local Arrangements: Tom Marquardt, Ph.D.
Harvey Sussman, Ph.D.
Conference Management: Mark Hakel, Ph. D.
Acknowledgment: This conference has been sponsored in part by the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, the Department of Special Education & Communication Disorders, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, the Institute for Rehabilitation Science and Engineering at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
ASHA’s Special Interest Division 2, Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders, is approved by the Continuing Education Board of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association to provide continuing education activities in speech-language pathology and audiology. This program is offered for up to 2.3 CEUs (advanced level; professional area). ASHA CE Provider approval does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.
An annual ASHA CE Registry fee is required to register ASHA CEU’s. CE Registry fees are paid by the participant directly to the ASHA National Office. The annual CE Registry fee allows registration of an unlimited number of ASHA CEUs for the calendar year. Contact the ASHA CE staff at 800.498.2071, ext 4219 for CE Registry fee subscription information.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
- 7:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast
- 8:00 Welcome
- 8:30 Parkinson’s Disease
- Changes to respiratory kinematics associated with different cues to increase loudness in Parkinson’s disease
- Intelligibility in Parkinson Disease: Effects of Speech Task
- The Relation Between Laryngeal Mechanosensory Detection and Laryngeal Aerodynamics in Parkinson’s Disease
- 10:00 Break
- 10:15 Modeling and Mapping
- Learning of a novel sensorimotor mapping involving the speech articulators
- Reconstructing 3D tongue movement from multiplanar paced ultrasound scans to identify motor strategies for midsagittal grooving
- Translation of 3-D articulatory signals acquired by electromagnetic articulography to a visual display of lingual movements for biofeedback: Preliminary results
- 11:45 Lunch Break
- 1:30 Special Session
- Perceptives on Motor Speech & Cognition Interactions
- 3:00 Break
- 3:15 Intelligibility and Effort
- Effects of a concurrent motor task on speech intelligibility for speakers with Parkinson disease
- Contributing factors to listener effort for dysarthric speech
- Development of an unpredictable sentence intelligibility test
- 4:45 Intro to Poster Session
- 5:00 Poster Session
- Chest wall EMG during postural stability tasks and vocalization in infants and young children with and without neurogenic communication disorders
- Articulator movement stability across a period of phonemic development
- Kinematics of repetitive speech in children with speech delay of unknown origin
- The effect of positioning on acoustic characteristics of infant pain cries
- Facial Kinematics of Speaker with Palatal Lift
- EMA Assessment of Tongue Function in dysarthria following stroke
- A Study on Articulatory Movements of Pathological Tongue based on a 3D Physiological Articulatory Simulator
- Understanding the outcomes of BOTOX treatment for spasmodic dysphonia from the client’s perspective
- LSVT and Children with Down Syndrome: A Pilot Study
- LSVT Following Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus
- Computer Software for Monitoring Performance during Speech Motor Learning Tasks
- Intensity and fundamental frequency variability before and after two behavioral treatments for aprosodia
- An Evaluation of New Software to Assist Dysarthric Speakers with Independent Rate Reduction Practice
- Practice Guidelines for Dysarthria: Evidence for Effectiveness of Treatment of Rate, Loudness or Prosody
- Perceptual Analysis of Speech in (MSA) and (PSP)
- EMST and LSVT in Patients with Parkinson Disease
- Effects of perturbations in pitch of auditory feedback on the inflection of syllables during English speech phrases
- Neural correlates of speech production: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study
- 7:00 Adjourn for Day
Friday, March 24, 2006
- 7:30 Continental Breakfast
- 8:00 Perturbation Plus Other Topics
- Vocal responses to multi-dimensional acoustic perturbations
- Speech motor control during unanticipated pertrubation of the lip: replication and extension of Gracco & Abbs 1985
- Development of speaking rate: A kinematic perspective
- The effects of divided attention on speech kinematics, verbal fluency and manual motor performance
- 10:00 Break
- 10:15 Parkinson’s Disease and Treatment
- The relationship between cognitive ability and speech performance under AAF conditions
- Virtual Speech Therapists – Expanding the Horizons of Speech Treatment for Parkinson’s disease
- An integrated speech and physical therapy approach for PD
- Using Computer Games to Mediate Caregiver-Child Communication
- 12:15 Intro to Poster Session
- 12:30 Poster Session
- Perceptual and acoustic correlates of the normal aging voice
- Articulatory movement and normal aging: Acoustic and kinematic data
- Speed accuracy relationships in speech motor behavior
- Lip and tongue movements in vowel-consonant-vowel sequences: The effect of consonant length
- The predictability of formant patterns based on lingual kinematics
- Motor learning of volitional nonspeech oral movements: Interoral pressure and articulatory kinematics
- Oral-motor learning, retention, and transfer as a function of attentional focus
- Principles of Motor Learning Applied to the Treatment of Acquired Apraxia of Speech: Effects of Feedback Frequency and Timing
- Treatment Guidelines for Apraxia of Speech: Lessons for Future Research
- Non-word repetition in children with childhood apraxia of speech
- Vowel targeting in apraxia of speech: Preliminary findings of a bite block study
- Apraxia of Speech: A Perceptual Analysis of Consonant Production in Multisyllabic Words
- Speech motor programming in apraxia of speech: A reaction time approach
- Treatment of Severe Childhood Apraxia of Speech: A Treatment Efficacy Study
- Behavioral and physiological markers of synchrony during face-to-face interactions
- Effect of medication withdrawal on response preparation in Parkinson’s disease
- Effects of STN-DBS on perceptual and acoustical measures of speech in patients with Parkinson’s disease
- Stimulating loudness vs. training loudness: What’s the difference and does it matter?
- Fundamental frequency characteristics of speakers with cerebral palsy and dysarthria
- 2:30 Afternoon Free
Saturday, March 25, 2006
- 7:30 Continental Breakfast
- 8:00 Assessment Issues
- Assessing disordered speech in Parkinson’s Disease online: A telerehabilitation application
- Effects of severity of speech involvement on acoustic measures in diverse dysarthric types
- Dynamic Assessment of Acquired and Developmental Apraxia of Speech in Children
- 9:30 Break
- 9:45 Special Session
- Issues in Neuroplasticity
- The Impact of Neural plasticity on the Treatment of Motor Speech Disorders: Translation, Research designs, Clinical implementation and Student training
- 11:45 Lunch Break
- 1:30 Other Populations
- Progressive Apraxia of Speech as a Sign of Motor Neuron Disease
- Articulatory movements associated with vowels produced by speakers with dysarthria and normal controls
- Vocal Tract Steadiness in Spasmodic Dysphonia Revisited
- 3:00 Intro to Poster Session
- 3:15 Poster Session
- Common modes of vocal track articulation based on kinematic data
- A Comparison of Intelligibility Measurement Techniques for Dysarthric Speech
- Influence of alphabet cues on listeners’ ability to identify first letters, first phonemes
- ALS and HD Dysarthria: Comparison of Everyday Listeners with High and Low Speech Intelligibility Scores
- Hemisphere-specific effects of subthalamic DBS on speaking rate and intelligibility of syllable repetitions in Parkinson’s disease
- A cross-linguistic study of rhythm in ataxic dysarthria
- Effects of Multi-talker Noise on Conversational Speech Intensity in Parkinson’s Disease
- Identification of Contrastive Stress in Dysarthria: Pilot Results
- Does Increased F0 variability following treatment affect vowel perception for speakers with Parkinson disease?
- Speech Rate Characteristics in Dysarthria: Comparison of Reading and Extemporaneous Tasks
- Does a prolonged speech-like task affect speech in Parkinson disease?
- Improving dual task performance in early-onset Parkinson’s
- Tongue Strength and Speech in Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy
- DBS treatment efficacy in a patient with Cerebellar lesion
- Vowel Harmonic Amplitude Differences in a Speaker with Hypokinetic Dysarthria
Sunday, March 26, 2006
- 7:30 Continental Breakfast
- 8:00 Motor Learning
- Kinematic learning of a novel speech task
- Specificity of motor learning
- An examination of the somatosensory precision requirements of speech production
- 9:30 Break
- 9:45 Topic in Speech Disorders
- Genotypic differences in speech and regional brain activity in hereditary ataxia
- Does a prolonged speech-like task affect sense of effort in Parkinson disease?
- 10:45 Closing Comments
- 11:00 Adjournment
2004 Program
Twelth Biennial Conference on Motor Speech:
Motor Speech Disorders & Speech Motor Control
March 18-21, 2004
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Conference Planners
Motor Speech Disorders
Co-Conference Chair: Kathryn Yorkston
Program Chair: Greg Turner
Speech Motor Control
Co-Conference Chair: Christy Ludlow
Christopher Moore
Program Chair Jordan Green
Publications: David Beukelman
Local Arrangements: Amy Wohlert
Conference Management: Mark Hakel
Acknowledgment: This conference has been sponsored in part by the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, the Department of Special Educaiton & Communication Disorders, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, the Institute for Rehabilitation Science and Engineering at Madonna Rehabilition Hospital, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Thursday, March 18, 2024
- 7:30 Registration
- 8:00 Continental Breakfast and Poster Session
- Intensive Voice Treatment (LSVT) for Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy
- FORCEWIN RT: Clinical Application for Motor Speech Disorders
- Effect of Bite-Block on Oral-Laryngeal Timing in Apraxia of Speech
- Preliminary Evaluation of the Effects of Low Dose LSVT on Vocal Loudness in Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease
- Acoustic Analyses of Prosodic Abnormalities in the Motor Speech Disorders
- Apraxia of Speech: A Perceptual and VOT Analysis of Stop Consonants
- Correlation of Orofacial Speeds with Voice Acoustic Measures in Persons Who Stutter
- Spectral Analysis of Hypernasality
- The Effects of Delayed and Frequency-Shifted Feedback on Speakers with Parkinson’s Disease
- Motor Learning Occurs in Children (but not young adults) in a Novel Nonword Production Task
- Influences of Auditory and Somatosensory Feedback on Vowel Production
- Real-Time Biofeedback and Speech Aerodynamics: A Prelimanary Study of Laryngeal Motor Control
- Practice Effects of an Orofacial Motor Control on Vibrotactile Detection Capacity in the Human Perioral System: Preliminary Data
- Measuring Movement-Related Cerebral Potentials in Physiological Investigations of Speech and Nonspeech Orofacial Movements
- Analysis of High Frequency EEG-EMG Mouth Movement and Speech Correlates in Parkinson’s Disease
- Expiratory Muscle Strength Training: Effects on Speech and Cough Production
- The Effect of Increased Sound Pressure Level on Acoustics and Articulatory Kinematics
- 9:15 Opening Remarks
- 9:30 Speech Programming and Brain Activity in Dysarthria
- Utterance Maintenance and Reprogramming Deficits in Hypokinetic Dysarthria
- Disruptions of Advance Speech Programming in Ataxic Dysarthria
- Longitudinal Changes in Brain Activity in Progressive Ataxia: Broca’s Activity Increases While Other Areas Decline During Speech Production
- 11:00 Break
- 11:30 Topics in Speech Production
- Somatosensory Information in Speech Production
- Predicting 3D Tongue Surfaces from Midsagittal Contours
- Comparison of Voice F0 Responses to Pitch-Shifted Auditory Feedback in Mandarin and English Speech
- 1:00 Lunch Break
- 3:00 Dysarthria in Parkinson Disease
- Velopharyngeal Aerodynamics Following Bilateral Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease
- Laryngeal Engagement Following Bilateral Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease
- Jaw and Finger Movements During Visual and Auditory Motor Tracking in Parkinson’s Disease
- Neurosurgical Intervention in Parkinson’s Disease: Effects on Speech and Oromotor Function
- 5:00 Break
- 7:00 Speech Development
- Refinement of Speech Breathing in Normal Young Children
- Development of Oronasal Coupling in Typically Developing Children and Children with Speech Delay
- Production of the Question-Statement Contrast During Development
- Contributions of Motor Control to the Acquisition of Prosodic Structure
Friday, March 19, 2024
- 8:00 Continental Breakfast and Poster Session
- AEROWIN RT: Clinical Application for Motor Speech Disorders
- A Prediction-Based Analysis of Hypokinetic Dysarthria in an “Off” Versus “On” Medication State
- Expiratory Muscle Training in Patients with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease
- LSVTC – A PDA Supported Speech Treatment for Parkinson’s disease
- Fundamental Frequency (F0) Changes in Controlled Speech Tasks Following Left Hemisphere and Subcortical Brain Damage
- ALS and HD Dysarthria: Speech Intelligibility from the Everyday Listener Perspective
- Preliminary Findings of Contrastive Stress in Severe Dysarthria
- Hypokinetic Dysarthria Secondary to TBI: A Case Study of Speech Breathing, Intelligibility, and Responses to Treatment
- Effects of Natural Hand Gestures during Spontaneous Discourse: A Case Study
- Absolute Magnitude Scaling of Autophonic Loudness
- Listener Perception of Voice Tremor Induced by Forced Oscillation of the Respiratory System
- Articulatory Kinematics in the Control of Closure/Constriction Duration in Speech
- Influence of Utterance Length and Complexity on Trajectory Stability and Phrase Durations-Age Related Changes
- Increasing Sound Pressure Level: The Effects of Three Cues
- An Investigation of Jaw Stiffness in Children
- Measures of Speech and Manual Motor Development in Children
- 9:30 Speech Movement
- Speaking Rate Effects on the Speed and Extent of Articulator Movements
- Event-Related Beta Desynchronization in Speech and Non-Speech Profacial Movements: The Effects of Task Complexity
- Speech Movement Sequence Versus Speech Movements in Sequence: fMRI Observations
- 11:00 Break
- 11:30 Issue in Treatment of Dysarthria, Apraxia & Stuttering
- Acoustic and Perceptual Effects of Rate and Loudness Manipulations in Dysarthria
- Low Versus High Frequency Feedback in Apraxia of Speech
- Speech Motor Changes Coincident with Stuttering Treatment
- Can People with Chronic Dysarthria Change Their Speech Towards a Target Pronunciation?
- 1:30 Afternoon Free
Saturday, March 20, 2004
- 8:00 Continental Breakfast and Poster Session
- Harmonic Amplitude Differences and Perceived Voice Quality in Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia
- Service Delivery Variables in the Treatment of Voice Disorders Related to Parkinson Disease
- Nasal Obturation for Severe, Chronic Velopharyngeal Dysfunction of Dysarthria
- Two Cases of Foreign Accent Syndrome: An Acoustic-Phonetic Description
- Effects of Speech Mode on Anticipatory Coarticulation in Dysarthria
- Impairments in Complex Language and Coverbal Gestures Idiopathic Parkinson Disease
- Perceptual and Acoustic Predictors of Intelligibility and Acceptability in Dysarthria
- A Longitudinal Study of Speech Fluency Stability in an Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonic Individual Treated With Botox
- Parkinsonian Speech Variability: Medication-Related Fluctuations Across 3 Days
- Acoustic and Perceptual Analysis of Speech in Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA)
- Assessment of Conversational Speech Intelligibility: Development of an Approach Using Structured Dialogue and Perceptual Assessment
- Motor Learning of Volitional Nonspeech Oral Movements
- Lingual Kinematic Strategies Used to Increase Speech Rate: Comparison Between Younger and Older Adults
- The Influence of Bite Blocks on Perceptual and Acoustic Characteristics of Speech
- Lung Volumes and Linguistic Units as Predictors of Respiratory Pattern in Speech
- Prosodic Alterations to Speech Produced in Noise
- Vocal Fold Damping During Sustained Vowel Productions
- 9:30 Children with Motor Speech Disorders
- Speech Motor Processes in Developmental Apraxia of Speech Studied with EMMA
- Diagnostic Assessment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech Using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) Systems
- TOCS+: A Software Solution for Efficient Intelligibility Measurement in Young Children with Motor Speech Disorders
- 11:00 Break
- 11:30 Neural Models and Interactions
- Interactions Among Speech, Language, Cognitive, and Visual-Motor Activities
- A Neural Network Model of Cortical and Cerebellar Involvement in Speech Motor Control
- Neural Correlates of Word and Syllable Frequency: An Investigation of the Dual-Route Hypothesis
- 1:00 Lunch
- 3:00 Special Session
- Sensorimotor Control of Speech Production: Models and Data
- 4:30 Break
- 5:00 Voice Characteristics in Dysarthria
- The Effects of Modifying the Fundamental Frequency Contour on Segmental Level Speech Errors in Persons with Parkinson Disease
- Task-Based Profile of Vocal Intensity Decline in Parkinson’s Disease
- Voice Characteristics of Patients with Pallido-Ponto-Nigral Degeneration (PPND) and Their Application to Pre-Symptomatic Detection in At-Risk Relatives
- Comparing Neurologic Disorders by Voice Modulation Profiles
Sunday, March 21, 2004
- 8:00 Continental Breakfast and Poster Session
- Development and Evaluation of a Computer-based System to Measure and Analyze Pause and Speech Events
- The Effect of an Oral Motor Exerciser in Articulation Therapy: A Single Subject Design
- The Influence of Intensive Phonologic Rehabilitation on Phono-Motor Characteristics
- The Effects of Pallidotomy Surgery on Sentence Rate Measures Across Three Tasks in Parkinson’s Patients
- Clinical Applications of Vibrotactile Stimulation: Theoretical Bases, Techniques, and Case Findings
- Listener Attitudes Toward Speech Supplementation
- Articulatory Imprecision in Dysarthria Following Childhood Cerebellar Tumour: A Perceptual and Acoustic Investigation
- Apraxia of Speech in Childhood: A Comparison of Acquired and Developmental Forms
- Relationship Between Measures of Isometric and Isotonic Endurance
- Spectral Characteristics of Children’s Voices: Variation in SPL
- Physiological Indices of Bilingualism
- Toward a Meaningful Model of Speech Under Stress
- Relationship Between Perceptual Ability and the Effects of Perturbations on Produced Vowel Contrasts
- Effects of External Mechanosensory Stimulation on Laryngeal Neuromuscular Activity
- Specificity of Training in the Lingual Musculature: Preliminary Findings
- Cognitive Motor Constraints and Motor Speech Disorders: A Preliminary Framework
- Effects of Movement Extent on Movement Timing in Seakers with Dysarthria and Normal Controls
- 9:30 Development: Sucking & Chewing
- Actifier II: The Dynamics of Non-Nutritive Suck In Neonates and Infants
- Actifier II: The Dynamics of Sensorimotor Integration During Suck In Neonates and Infants
- Kinematic Description of Chewing Development
- 11:00 Break
- 11:30 Studies of Physiology in Dysarthria
- Variability Within and Across Physiological Systems in Dysarthria
- Three-Dimensional Ultrasonographic Analysis of Normal and Partial Glossectomee Tongues
- Effects of Topiramate on Essential Tremor of the Hand, Jaw and Voice
- 1:00 Adjournment
2002 Program
Eleventh Biennial Conference on Motor Speech:
Motor Speech Disorders & Speech Motor Control
March 14-17, 2002
Williamsburg, VA
Conference Planners
Motor Speech Disorders
Co-Conference Chair: Kathryn Yorkston
Mark Hakel
Program Chair: Scott Adams
Megan Hodge
Gregory Turner
Christopher Dromey
Speech Motor Control
Co-Conference Chair: Christy Ludlow
Christopher Moore
Program Chair Margaret Denny
David McFarland
Eugene Buder
Publications: David Beukelman
Local Arrangements: Geralyn Schulz
Acknowledgment: This conference has been sponsored in part by the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, the Department of Special Education & Communication Disorders, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, the Institute for Rehabilitation Science and Engineering at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Thursday, March 14, 2002
- 12:00 Registration
- 1:15 Welcoming Remarks
- 1:30 Parkinson Disease
- Speech & gesture analysis for evaluation of progress in LSVT treatment in Parkinson disease
- Long term average spectral moments in hypokinetic dysarthria
- Summary feedback schedules and speech motor learning in Parkinson’s disease
- 3:00 Break
- 3:30 Tongue Muscles and Function
- Quantitative morphology and histochemistry of human intrinsic lingual muscles
- An EPG-EMA study of tongue-palate interaction for stop alveolar consonants in German: Implications for speech motor control
- Exploring tongue muscle interaction using tagged Cine-MRI
- 5:00 Break
- 7:00 Speech Intelligibility
- Everyday listeners’ perspective on ALS and HD dysarthria: A description of barriers and strategies in understanding distorted speech
- Motor speech characteristics and timing in persons with ALS
- Sentence intelligibility and acoustic contrast in adults with cerebral palsy
Friday, March 15, 2002
- 8:00 Continental Breakfast and Poster Session
- Lingual movements before and after an experimental palatal “fistula”
- The production of emotional prosody in varying severities of apraxia of speech
- Facial and vocal expression in idiopathic Parkinson’s disease: Effects of intensive voice therapy (LSVT)
- Artificial neural network categorization of speech fluency measures across speech disorders
- PDA-Enhanced speech treatment for Parkinson’s disease
- The impact of perceptual and instrumental measures in palatal lift fitting
- Profiling communication characteristics: Children with developmental apraxia of speech
- Correlation between acoustic speech characteristics and non-speech motor tasks in Parkinson’s disease
- Effects of two intervention strategies on intelligibility in cerebral palsy
- Assessment of an analytical model of pitch control
- An fMRI study of overt vs. covert production of mono- and multisyllabic words
- Jaw and finger movements during visual and auditory motor tracking tasks
- Variations in articulatory kinematics with changes in speech task
- Specification interacts with phonologic similarity to determine complexity of pre-motor encoding during speech production
- Speech intelligibility in quiet and noise environments using speech amplification and enhancement: A preliminary assessment of the evaluation protocol
- Speaking rate effects on formants
- 9:30 Motor Speech Production and Respiration
- Adaptation to motion dependent loads in speech production
- Speech breathing in stuttering: Some classic and new analyses
- Respiratory and laryngeal responses to an oral air pressure bleed during speech
- 11:00 Break
- 11:30 Acoustic Analysis – I
- Acoustic evidence for remapping of prosodic control in severe dysarthria
- Influence of Botox on adductor spasmodic dysphonic speech: Perceptual-acoustic analyses of voice quality
- Contour tone production by Cantonese speakers with cerebral palsy
- 1:00 Lunch Break
- 3:00 Special Session – James F. Bosma Session on Development
- Introductory Comments
- Voltage-gated ion currents and rhythmic [Ca2+]i oscillations in embryonic mouse hindbrain
- Sensorimotor entrainment of the respiratory and orofacial systems in humans
- Serial production trends in the early lexicon
- MRI studies of vocal tract development: Relative growth patterns
- Interaction of multiple factors in the development of speech production
- 5:15 Break
- 5:30 Acoustic Analysis – II
- Analysis of conversational speech in dysarthria
- Rate and intensity effects in multiple sclerosis
- 6:30 Adjourn for Day
Saturday, March 16, 2002
- 8:00 Continental Breakfast and Poster Session
- Effects of rate reduction on severe spastic dysarthria
- Changes in vowel space and formant frequencies in Parkinson’s disease following intensive voice therapy (LSVT)
- Practice guidelines for dysarthria: Evidence for the behavioral management of the respiratory/phonatory system
- The relationship between production of suprasegmental speech characteristics and lung volumes in conversational speech
- The effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) on speech diadochokinesis
- Overgeneralization in treatment of severe apraxia of speech: A case study
- Applications of a specific pulmonary exercise to improve functional vital capacity
- Acquired dysprosody in two patients with basal ganglia lesions
- The impact of speech supplementation on the intelligibility of speakers with traumatic brain injury
- Articulatory and phonatory responses to independent manipulations of formant- and fundamental frequency-related auditory feedback
- The impact of hearing aid signal processing on the formant structures of children with moderate to severe hearing loss
- The timing of laryngeal and lingual gestures of apical stops in dependence on syllable position: An EPG and transillumination study
- Speaker normalization of stressed and unstressed vowels in articulatory and formant spaces
- Association of orofacial with laryngeal and respiratory motor output during speech
- Voiced speech vs whispered speech: An H2150 positron emission tomography study
- Cleft palate repair: Results in patients with developmental speech apraxia
- 9:30 Acquisiton and Development
- Speech motor control during acquisition of the voicing contrast
- A kinematic description of oromotor behaviors during the first year of life
- Developmental changes in respiratory and laryngeal function during Fo and intensity modulation
- 11:00 Break
- 11:30 Special Session
- The Mayo classification of dysarthria: Past, present & future
- 1:00 Afternoon Off
Sunday, March 17, 2002
- 8:00 Continental Breakfast and Poster Session
- The effect of visual input on the differential diagnosis of dysarthria subtypes
- The use of biofeedback in the treatment of ataxic dysarthria in patients with multiple sclerosis
- A quantitative review of Botox treatment outcomes for adductor spasmodic dysphonia
- Speech timing variables in children with typical speech acquisition, speech delay, and suspected apraxia of speech
- Relationship between speech and nonspeech (DDK) measures in hypokinetic dysarthria
- Use of a bite block for treatment of lingual dystonia
- Kinematic analysis of lingual fatigue in myasthenia gravis
- Fluency and articulatory groping in the differential diagnosis of AOS: A case study
- Intensive voice therapy for speech disorders following stroke: Two case studies
- Does prosodic patterning relate to phonemic accuracy during speech learning?
- Analysis of tongue muscle geometry based on 3D MRI and its implications on tongue muscle functions in vowel production
- Discourse analysis of speech breathing during spontaneous monolog
- Motor control for a physiological articulatory model involving muscle antagonism
- Patterns of vocal fold length change relative to pitch modifications as factors associated with vocal fatigue
- Kinematic analysis of lingual fatigue in myasthenia gravis
- Sensorimotor entrainment of the respiratory and orofacial systems in humans
- 9:30 Physiologic Aspects of Dysarthria
- The effects of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation on vocal tract dynamics in Parkinson’s disease
- Transglottal airflow measures in continuous speech and syllable repetition for subjects with vocal paralysis and normal subjects
- A comparison of velopharyngeal function measures in dysarthria
- 11:00 Break
- 11:30 Speech Production
- Using functional imaging to study neurologic activity during motor speech production
- Biomechanical saturation and hearing status effects in determining goals for vowels: Preliminary results from a bite block study
- Voice responses to changes in pitch of voice or tone auditory feedback
- 1:00 Lunch Break
- 2:00 Apraxia of Speech
- Acquisition and stimulus generalization effects of sound production treatment for apraxia of speech: A follow-up treatment
- Using a notebook computer to estimate single word intelligibility in aphasic and apraxic speakers
- Progressive apraxia of speech: A retrospective study
- Phonological treatment of apraxia of speech
- 4:00 Break
- 4:30 Children with Motor Speech Disorders
- Treatment of severe articulatory impairment in a three year old child: A treatment efficacy study
- Vowel areas of children with and without dysarthria
- The contribution of motor impairment in speech disordered children: A retrospective review
- 6:00 Adjourn