Madonna is the only hospital in the region to provide an extensive vision rehabilitation program delivered by specially trained experts who use state-of-the-art technology to help patients of all ages with visual impairments resulting from illness or injury to maximize their quality of life in home and community-related roles.
Vision affects a person’s ability to perform everyday tasks like walking, dressing and climbing a flight of stairs. It is also vital for a person’s thinking processes, reading and cognition. Addressing vision issues early in the rehabilitation program can improve results for many patients because vision relates directly to balance, attention and interaction with people and objects in one’s environment.
Visual problems are often overlooked during initial treatment of the injury. If these problems are hidden or neglected, it may impair and lengthen the rehabilitation process. The vision system comprises complex and sophisticated subsystems and the visual process requires flow and processing of information to the brain. If injury has disrupted the flow of visual processing, the result is a vision problem. Symptoms that may indicate a visual problem include:
- Blurred vision
- Sensitivity to light
- Reading difficulties
- Comprehension difficulties
- Attention and concentration difficulties
- Memory difficulties
- Double vision
- Aching eyes
- Headaches with visual tasks
- Loss of visual field
- Feeling off balance
Neurological visual deficits most commonly encountered by patients include double vision, impaired visual perception and partial vision, which can hinder rehabilitation. For instance, a stroke patient may have trouble learning to tell time because partial vision allows her to see only certain areas of the clock. Another patient may have difficulty with balance and mobility because his perception of where his center of gravity is located may not be accurate. Integrating appropriate visual strategies, techniques and equipment into transdisciplinary treatment results in better outcomes.
What does this treatment include?
Individuals referred for vision rehabilitation first receive a vision assessment by a neuro-optometrist. If appropriate for treatment, the neuro-optometrist will direct the occupational therapist on the treatment plan, which may include using specialized equipment, such as prism glasses, and teaching adaptive strategies to address vision impairments. These techniques and equipment are shared with other members of the patient’s rehabilitation team so they may be integrated into their treatment sessions to enhance learning and success. The neuro-optometrist will monitor the patient’s progress through re-evaluations and adjust the vision treatment plan according to the patient’s needs.
Who would benefit from the Vision Clinic?
People who have had a stroke, brain injury or other neurological illness or injury who experience one or more of the following symptoms:
- Views print from the corner of the eye
- Collides into objects when moving about
- Changes in vision throughout the day
- Feels off-balance on one side
- Anxious or unsure in a crowded area due to movement
- Shadow vision
- Easily distracted by motion on one side
- Reluctant to turn head
- Double vision
- Shuts one eye or eye(s) appear to turn in, out, up or down
- Dizziness, nausea, or spatial disorientation
- Fuzzy or blurry vision
- Needs to bring printed materials close to read
- Has difficulty distinguishing colors
- Loses place when reading
- Constantly stares to one side
- Easily distracted by motion on one side
The vision clinic is available on both an inpatient and outpatient basis. For an appointment or more information, call Madonna outpatient scheduling at 402.413.3900.
Decreased vision creates a world of new challenges, from preparing meals, to taking medication and safe mobility. Madonna offers low vision rehabilitation by specially trained occupational therapists who evaluate how reduced vision affects daily activities and offer solutions to improve function.
Low Vision Rehabilitation Services
Rehabilitation starts with a 60 to 90-minute evaluation. Tests include near and distance vision, visual fields and reading skills to determine the person’s best visual location for seeing objects or reading.
An interview with the occupational therapist is conducted to determine strengths and weaknesses and how much assistance is required.
New techniques and training are offered for:
- Daily living skills in the home and community
- Low vision aids
- Alternative viewing techniques
- Blind spot (scotoma) awareness
- Safety
- Handwriting
- Reading
Who would benefit from Madonna’s Low Vision Services?
- Any sighted person who has experienced changes in his or her vision that affect daily living activities.
- Persons with vision less than 20/70
- Persons with macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy who have experienced symptoms of low vision
- Other medical conditions that contribute to low vision
Vision Team
Madonna Rehabilitation Specialty Hospital
Madonna Rehabilitation Specialty Hospital